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Logic to check if folder.jpg exists in directory

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  • camelx

    • Oct 2005
    • 5

    Logic to check if folder.jpg exists in directory

    I was hoping someone could quickly tell me if dbpoweramp / DSP can do something like this:

    1) check album directory to see if there is already a folder.jpg file
    2) if folder.jpg exists, then do nothing
    3) if folder.jpg does not exist, then Extract embedded art from any of the music files as folder.jpg

    easy enough to do it manual for a couple of directories, but I want to do it across large chunks of my music collection.

    reason is I'm cleaning up a bunch of embedded art that is either very large jpgs or ones with multiple embedded jpgs. I'm using dbpoweramp to 1) clean all embedded art out, resize my folder.jpg to 500x500 and embed that single file in the music files.
    I should explain a little more detail of why I'm doing it this way. I'm keeping my original high quality folder.jpgs, as drive space is cheap. Most of mine I scanned myself are 1400x1400 and above. The reason I want to keep them is sometime in the future I may want to go back and do the same process all over again to update the embedded art to, let's say, 800x800. My process of working with the existing folder.jpg can easily go back and forth by preserving the original folder.jpg.
    I can also use this process to build mp3s from my flac for another device where it may be optimal at even a different format for that device. This is why I don't want to just extract an embedded art out to folder.jpg, as this would overwrite my high res folder.jpg.

    But if there is no folder.jpg, as some of my album directories are, then my process won't work, as it cleans out all the cover art. So in that case I end up with no cover art in my files, where there might have been.

    Bottom line, is there any kind of conditional logic I can use to check if a file exists?