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FLAC to Apple lossless tag problem

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  • rbk

    • Nov 2014
    • 3

    FLAC to Apple lossless tag problem

    I recently used dBpoweramp CD ripper to reconvert my CD's into FLAC format. The ripping went very well and most of the tags were ripped correctly as well. I then edited the CD's using Tag&Rename to change the format of some of the information and then used dBpoweramp converter to convert from FLAC to Apple lossless. Because I am going to use these files in iTunes I added some information in the Grouping tag to be better able to use Smart Playlists in iTunes. All the tag information in the FLAC files converts over with the exception of the Grouping tag. The converted file's Grouping tag is empty after conversion. I have tried and rechecked this behavior several times but still have no success. I have used both the Windows and beta MAC version of the converter with the same results.

    After doing a little research into tags I'm amazed they work as well as they do. I'm at a loss as to what to do next. I can reopen the Apple lossless file in Tag&Rename and re-add the tag and it works as it should but this is an extra step I would rather not have to do.

    Am I doing something wrong? Is there something I don't understand about tags that is causing this? Any help clarifying this would be appreciated.
  • garym
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Nov 2007
    • 5940

    Re: FLAC to Apple lossless tag problem

    not sure about dbpa. I know I can see the grouping itunes tag in mp3tag called "contentgroup" see this for example:

    I use dBpoweramp to convert from FLAC to ALAC and find that if I have a tag GROUPING defined, it is blanked out in the ALAC copy. Also, if the GENRE tag contains a / (forward slash) it gets converted to \ (backward slash), e.g. Country/Rock becomes Country\Rock. Any thoughts on what I can do to avoid these little


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44847

      Re: FLAC to Apple lossless tag problem

      Take an Apple Lossless file which has this grouping tag already set, right click >> Edit ID Tags

      this is the tag name you should use in dBpoweramp.


      • rbk

        • Nov 2014
        • 3

        Re: FLAC to Apple lossless tag problem

        Interesting that when I went to test a new rip the CD I picked had the "contentgroup" filled which confused the issue even more.

        I've relooked at the process and here's what appears to happen.

        1. rip the CD using dBpoweramp cd ripper and examined using Edit-ID-Tag and it does no show a Grouping field.
        2. open CD in Tag&Rename and using their edit all supported fields added a tag in the grouping field.
        3. examined using Edit-ID-Tag and GROUPING Rock appears
        4. convert to apple lossless using dBpoweramp and examined output using Edit-ID-Tag it shows Grouping Rock (I have noted a case change in the Grouping tag title)
        5. Loading this into iTunes and examining shows no Grouping tag
        6. Edit iTunes ready output with Tag&Rename to add Rock to Grouping Field
        7. reloaded file into iTunes and used GetInfo to examine. On this CD grouping was there but filled with something completely different. I examined the original with MP3Tag and discovered the CD had "contentgroup" filled with the data now contained in Grouping. this was apparently changed by Tag&Rename. Tag&Rename does not show "contentgroup" as one of its editing choices. Generally Tag&Rename will put the correct data in the grouping field but if the source had "contentgroup filled it seems use that instead. I have noticed this odd behavior in Tag&Rename before but it is very rare and at that time I had no way of seeing the "contentgroup" tag.

        I am going to go back to some of my original CD's I ripped but they have been stored and I will have to retrieve them first. I will begin the process from the start and see if I can confirm what is happening.


        • BrodyBoy
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • Sep 2011
          • 779

          Re: FLAC to Apple lossless tag problem

          As garym noted, CONTENTGROUP is the tag that iTunes uses.

          Rather than all this checking and editing in Tag & Rename, in iTunes, etc., it seems there are a couple more efficient solutions to your issue:

          1. Map your GROUPING tag to CONTENTGROUP (using the ID Tag Update DSP) when you convert from .flac to Apple Lossless.

          2. Add the tag to the ALAC versions after conversion, rather than to the .flac files and dealing with the mapping issue. To make this even more streamlined, you can just "bulk select" the tracks for which you want to add the category info, open Get Info, and just add the tag there.


          • rbk

            • Nov 2014
            • 3

            Re: FLAC to Apple lossless tag problem

            Thanks for mentioning the DSP as I missed it in the referenced message above and I was having trouble find where to map the tags. Unfortunately it doesn't do any good. I've looked using dBpoweramp's edit ID tags and it sees it as Grouping when I first add it to the ripped file using Tag&Rename and also when I examine an iTunes file stored correctly in the iTunes library. What have been stated above would have me Map Grouping to Grouping (I actually tried this) which doesn't make much sense and doesn't work. When I Examine CONTENTGROUP there is nothing there in the original or the iTunes stored version.

            At this point I am going to ignore this problem as I have an acceptable workaround. I will continue to edit the ripped file in Tag&rename changing tags field and adding the approprate tag to Grouping. I will be saving this file to an archive and have it set and ready to go. It will be helpful if this problem ever resolves itself or if I convert to another file format where this problem doesn't manifest itself. I'll then use dBpoweramp music converter to convert to an iTunes format. I usually give a final check to the output file in Tag&Rename to verify I've made the right correction to the rest of the tags so it only takes a few seconds to put the correct Grouping tag aback in and save the file anyway. I was courious why this is happening but I fear there will be no easy answer to why and I don't think it's worth the further effort to try and find out. Tag& Rename will be out with a MAC version sometime soon and with dBpoweramp looking pretty good on the MAC already things should improve in the furure anyway.

            Thanks for the suggestions sorry I wasn't able to get them to work.


            • jodenwlr

              • Apr 2015
              • 1

              Re: FLAC to Apple lossless tag problem

              Is this still an open issue for you? I encountered the same problem with the grouping field in my FLAC source file not mapping in to the grouping field in my ALAC. I solved it by DSP effect "ID Tag Processing" on the "Map" tab by adding a mapping "Grouping" field in the source FLAC to "Style" in the destination ALAC. Grouping was not an available choice in the drop down list for the source file, but I was able to type it in manually. That solved the problem. Odd that it was handled that way, but it worked for me.

