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Can't convert using Directshow codec

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  • pitoloko

    • Mar 2011
    • 38

    Can't convert using Directshow codec

    DbpowerAmp version:
    15.1 x64

    Windows version:
    Windows 8.1 x64 (tested in Windows 8 x64 too)

    Directshow decoder version:
    3.0 (Neutral x86/x64)

    Directshow.txt content:
    3rd party codecs installed:
    • AC3File 0.7
    • FFDSHOW tryouts 1.3.4500
    • xVid 1.3.3
    • Haali Media Splitter 26/03/2013
    • Helix YUV Codecs 1.3
    • QuickTime lite 4.1.0

    When I attempt to convert an AC3/DTS to mp3 (or wav, or any other) I get an emptyness 768 bytes converted file, the AC3/DTS file is not converted properlly.

    How I can solve this issue?

    More information:
    There's any error dialog after conversion.
    Maybe this points to a dbpoweramps bug, because if I rollback to dbpoweramp v15.0 or v14.4 I'm able to convert the same AC3/DTS files right.
    Last edited by pitoloko; November 14, 2014, 04:38 PM.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44574

    Re: Can't convert using Directshow codec

    The directshow.txt file should be



    • pitoloko

      • Mar 2011
      • 38

      Re: Can't convert using Directshow codec

      Originally posted by Spoon
      The directshow.txt file should be

      Thanks but the problem is not the directshow.txt content syntax, becuase if a filetype couldn't be recognized the music converter will not start the conversion, instead that it should advise with an error box about can't be found any codec to decode AC3/DTS.

      Any other ideas?

      Thanks for your itnerest.
      Last edited by pitoloko; November 14, 2014, 06:07 PM.


      • pitoloko

        • Mar 2011
        • 38

        Re: Can't convert using Directshow codec

        I enabled debug mode, this is the log of an AC3 failed conversion to MP3

        Splitting Command Line:Done
        ->-> [dBCoreConverter::ReaddBCommandFile]
        <-<- [dBCoreConverter::ReaddBCommandFile]
        Decodes [clDecoder::Get]
        BatchID [clDecoder::Set]
        ->-> [cldBCodecHandler::LoadEncoder]
        Loading Encoder 'C:\Program Files\dBpoweramp\encoder\mp3 (Lame).DLL'
        <-<- [cldBCodecHandler::LoadEncoder]
        BatchID [clEncoder::Set]
        ->-> [dBCoreConverter::StripCoreConverterCmds]
        <-<- [dBCoreConverter::StripCoreConverterCmds]
        SendRawUnCompressed [clEncoder::Get]
        Communicate [clDecoder::Get]
        Communicate [clEncoder::Get]
        NeedHQAudio [clEncoder::Get]
        Decode As [clDecoder::Set]
        ->-> [clDecoder::Open]
        Creating DirectShow For File:C:\Users\Administrador\Desktop\Yo, Frankenstein.mkv_1.ac3->-> [clDirectShow::Open]
        ->-> [clDirectShow::FreeDirectShow]
        <-<- [clDirectShow::FreeDirectShow]
        ->-> [clDirectShow::InitDirectShow]
        <-<- [clDirectShow::InitDirectShow]
        Rendering File: Rendered [clDirectShow::Open]
        Replacing Renderer with NULL: Done [clDirectShow::Open]
        Inserting SampleGrabber: Done [clDirectShow::Open]
        <-<- [clDirectShow::Open]
        ->-> [clDecoder::FillAudioProps]
        Sample Count: 233,662.464
        <-<- [clDecoder::FillAudioProps]
        ->-> [clDecoder::FillAudioInfo]
        Uncompressed WFX (sent to db): Format Tag: 1 Channels: 2 Bits per Sample: 16 Samples Per Second: 48000 Bytes Per Second: 192000 Block Align: 4 CB Size: 0
        Audio Length: 4867968 mili-seconds 389437440 bytes 0 kbps
        <-<- [clDecoder::FillAudioInfo]
        <-<- [clDecoder::Open]
        SendOverReplayGainTags [clEncoder::Get]
        ->-> [clEncoder::BeginConversion]
        Converting to 'C:\Users\Administrador\Desktop\Yo, Frankenstein.mkv_1.mp3' encoder settings ' -b="128" -original_bit="0" -extracli="-q 0"'
        Lame encoder settings: -b 128 -o -q 0 --noreplaygain -r --little-endian -s 48 --bitwidth 16 - "C:\Users\ADMINI~1\Desktop\Yo, Frankenstein.mkv_1.mp3"
        <-<- [clEncoder::BeginConversion]
        Communicate [clDecoder::Get]
        Communicate [clEncoder::Get]
        Encoding To: mp3 (Lame)
        Encoder Cmd Line: -b="128" -original_bit="0" -extracli="-q 0"
        ============= CONVERSION BEGIN =============
        ============= CONVERSION END =============
        Communicate [clDecoder::Get]
        Communicate [clEncoder::Get]
        ->-> [dBCoreConverter::CloseDecoder]
        ->-> [clDecoder::Close]
        ->-> [clDirectShow::FreeDirectShow]
        <-<- [clDirectShow::FreeDirectShow]
        <-<- [clDecoder::Close]
        ->-> [clEncoder::EndConversion]
        <-<- [clEncoder::EndConversion]
        File Size Check : 768 bytes Filename: C:\Users\Administrador\Desktop\Yo, Frankenstein.mkv_1.mp3
        File Size Check (before ID Tags Written): 768 bytes Filename: C:\Users\Administrador\Desktop\Yo, Frankenstein.mkv_1.mp3
        ->-> [dBCoreConverter::IDTagWriter]
        Decodes [clDecoder::Get]
        IDTags [clDecoder::Set]
        ->-> [clDecoder::WriteIDTags]
        <-<- [dBCoreConverter::IDTagWriter]
        Communicate [clDecoder::Get]
        Communicate [clEncoder::Get]
        Conversion completed in 47 mili-seconds x103573 realtime encoding
        File Size Check (core converter exit): 768 bytes Filename: C:\Users\Administrador\Desktop\Yo, Frankenstein.mkv_1.mp3
        ->-> [clDecoder::Close]
        ->-> [clDirectShow::FreeDirectShow]
        <-<- [clDirectShow::FreeDirectShow]
        <-<- [clDecoder::Close]
        ->-> [clDirectShow::FreeDirectShow]
        <-<- [clDirectShow::FreeDirectShow]


        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44574

          Re: Can't convert using Directshow codec

          Try converting to wave, what is the size?


          • pitoloko

            • Mar 2011
            • 38

            Re: Can't convert using Directshow codec

            AC3 > Uncompressed WAV (with default settings)
            Filesize: 44 bytes
            Deug Log: http://pastebin.com/NUN9visj

            DTS > Uncompressed WAV (with default settings)
            Filesize: 4,04 KB (4.140 bytes)
            Deug Log: http://pastebin.com/a82neUHM

            DTS > MP3
            Filesize: 1,12 KB (1.152 bytes)
            Deug Log: http://pastebin.com/jazpWfiT


            • pitoloko

              • Mar 2011
              • 38

              Re: Can't convert using Directshow codec

              AC3 > Uncompressed WAV (with default settings)
              Filesize: 44 bytes
              Deug Log: http://pastebin.com/NUN9visj

              DTS > Uncompressed WAV (with default settings)
              Filesize: 4,04 KB (4.140 bytes)
              Deug Log: http://pastebin.com/a82neUHM

              DTS > MP3
              Filesize: 1,12 KB (1.152 bytes)
              Deug Log: http://pastebin.com/jazpWfiT


              • pitoloko

                • Mar 2011
                • 38

                Re: Can't convert using Directshow codec

                the size is 44 bytes for uncompressed wav (AC3 to WAV and DTS to Wav, no matter that).

                I uploaded yesterday some debug logs in a comment in this thread but the page said me that my comment is pending for moderator aproval to be published... and is not published?, did you read the comment with the logs?... :S


                • Spoon
                  • Apr 2002
                  • 44574

                  Re: Can't convert using Directshow codec

                  See the last post:

                  I want to be able to Right-click an ac3 file and convert it to Flac. I did what it said on this page: http://www.dbpoweramp.com/codec-central-directshow.htm I downloaded the AC3 Direct Show Filter. I installed dBpoweramp's DirectShow filter. I couldn't see the convert option in the right-click menu when I clicked on an ac3


                  • pitoloko

                    • Mar 2011
                    • 38

                    Re: Can't convert using Directshow codec

                    Thanks, it worked fine after installing AC3-Filter full (not AC3 File).

                    I'm totally accord with that user opinnion, in older releases of dbPoweramp was sufficient to install AC3File to convert AC3/DTS, as I said before If I unninstall dbPoweramp 15.1 then I install v15.0 or v14.4 I can convert, but with the 15.1 not... I need to install AC3Filter for v15.1 version.

                    Really this seems to point to a software bug and should be fixed, there is something that dbPoweramp developers missed or didn't take in count related to directshow maybe in some OS circunstances, but at least this information should be updated in the codec-central page or advised in any kind of FAQ for DirectShow problems, I'm not the only one who faced this strange nightmare.

                    I'll give a little bit more of information for the dbPoweramp team if you want to locate the (possible) bug and fix it:

                    dbPowerAmp version: 15.1
                    OS: Windows 8.1 x64 (also note that it's a fresh installation that I realized in my PC few days ago, it does not have any kind of (codec) trash !!)
                    Globalization: Spanish (Spain)
                    AC3 directshow codec that throws error: AC3File 0.7
                    AC3 directshow codec that solves error: AC3Filter 2.6.0b Full (I don't tested any other package)

                    Maybe this could help you in the future...

                    Thanks for your support and your time

                    Have a nice day!


                    • pitoloko

                      • Mar 2011
                      • 38

                      Re: Can't convert using Directshow codec

                      I will be more precise:

                      After doing a lot of combinations, I've found what need to be installed:

                      1) AC3File
                      2) AC3Filter (FULL, not lite)

                      Yes, both AC3File and AC3Filter need to be installed at least in Win8.1 x64 to use dbPoweramp v15.1, otherwise dbPowerAmp does not recognize any decoder for AC3/DTS.
                      I will remark again that this bug does not happen for older versions of dbPoweramp, with AC3File is enough.

                      I hope this help for the developers, please, update the required info for users.

                      PS: I don't pretend to offend or disturb but one user noticed this problem a lot time ago and developers didn't update the info and didn't fixed the issue in the soft, I don't understand why did nothing... its your program!!! and the endusers noted this issue.


