Hello all, I'm new to this forum and to the prog so bear w/ me. I have ver. R15 running on win 8.1. I recently loaded the program and tried to convert a flac file i have to a mp3. I set flac to standard VBR mp3 but i get this message when i try to execute. Ideally i'd like to use the other setting to get a higher bit rate but thought i'd try simple convert at first.
Error converting to mp3 (Lame), 'C:\Users\me\Music\Ambulance LTD - LP (2004) [FLAC]\07 Sugar Pill.flac' to 'C:\Users\me\Desktop\07 Sugar Pill.mp3'
Error running CoreConverter
Any help would be appreciated.
Error converting to mp3 (Lame), 'C:\Users\me\Music\Ambulance LTD - LP (2004) [FLAC]\07 Sugar Pill.flac' to 'C:\Users\me\Desktop\07 Sugar Pill.mp3'
Error running CoreConverter
Any help would be appreciated.