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Anyone having problems with ID Tag Update?

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  • arthurb

    • Feb 2008
    • 36

    Anyone having problems with ID Tag Update?

    I have just been trying to use this for the first time, using Rule-Based Manipulation, and after several attempts it has worked once, changing four FLAC files, but failed to do anything several times, with the same rules.

    Can anyone say if there are there any problems with the ID Tag Update utility Codec, before I spend ages trying to experiment. I am currently rather stunned by the fact that it worked once...

    dBp 15.1
    Tag Update 4
    Windows 7 64-bit
  • arthurb

    • Feb 2008
    • 36

    Re: Anyone having problems with ID Tag Update?

    Seems like a caching/refreshing issue for me when reviewing results with the right-click pop-up. However, I am still not convinced that it was consistent. Still it seems OK, so what the hell ...


    • arthurb

      • Feb 2008
      • 36

      Re: Anyone having problems with ID Tag Update?

      I have done a bit more playing around, and I think there is a slight issue which has something to do with dBpoweramp indexing or caching info on audio files, and perhaps my file lister, Directory Opus also indexing/caching; occasionally I see something, many times not. So just a few times either you do not see the update, when using dBpa's hover-over pop-up, or, maybe, sometimes an update is not applied. However, I really do not think that this is much of an issue, and perhaps users working with dBpa and DOpus just have to take care.

      The function provided by ID Tag Update is so useful, I would overlook any minor niggles anyway.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44840

        Re: Anyone having problems with ID Tag Update?

        It applies to windows also, the popup info tip is not called again, even if the file is updated, hover over a different file, then go back and it is updated.


        • arthurb

          • Feb 2008
          • 36

          Re: Anyone having problems with ID Tag Update?

          Thanks for the reply Spoon, I understand now. As I said, not a real issue at all, one just has to be a touch careful, especially at 2 o'clock in the morning. By the way, thank you for the ID Tag Update, it is so, so useful, as with the 'profiles' in the converter. No wonder everyone I recommend dBpoweramp to ends up as a user; I could not do without it - thanks for a great product.

