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Music Converter/Batch converter reports some m4a files as corrupt

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  • schmidj
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Nov 2013
    • 526

    Music Converter/Batch converter reports some m4a files as corrupt

    Last night I decided to sort out my replay gain issues. My music is in four high-level directories. The original rips which were to m4a VBR, centered on 128K done by Winamp, (some 37000 or so) are on a Linksys NAS, and are the source for an Itunes catalog, loaded in part to my Ipod touch. (seeing less use, since I now have an Android smartphone with a large HD card). When I decided to digitize stuff for home listening, I found there were quality issues with the m4a's, and some bad rips. So I bought a large QNAP NAS, and dBpoweramp and started from the beginning again. I double rip to FLAC and m4A, to two high level directories on the QNAP. I've ripped something like 3500 tracks so far. I also installed Asset on the QNAP, and since I wanted to be able to listen to the old Winamp rips until I get everything reripped, I copied the directory of Winamp rips to an additional directory on the QNAP, solely to listen to at home until everything is reripped. (Asset on the QNAP can't see the items on the Linksys NAS).

    Anyway, I ran the batch converter with the replay gain (not applied), using EBU R128, set to -18 LKFS. I ran it first on the FLAC file directory. About a dozen tracks failed, the converter couldn't open them because the filenames were too long (an issue I was aware of). I fixed the filenames, and the rest converted OK. I also fixed the same filenames in the dBpoweramp ripped m4a directory. I then set it up to convert the two QNAP m4a directory trees, the rips from dBpoweramp and the rips from Winamp, and went to bed.

    When I got up this morning, I found that about 1700 of the files had failed, all from the Winamp rips, scattered apparently randomly (not whole CD's, files here and there from different CD's) All (or most, I'll admit to not reading all 1700 odd error messages) read the same Here are the first four:

    Error converting to [ReplayGain], 'Z:\Old Itunes Library Copy\(unattributed) - Steel Band Music of the Carribbean\09 - (unattributed) - Native Mambo.m4a' to 'Z:\Old Itunes Library Copy\(unattributed) - Steel Band Music of the Carribbean\09 - (unattributed) - Native Mambo.IGNORE'
    Error m4a audio file is corrupt. [clAAC::DecodeBlock]

    Error converting to [ReplayGain], 'Z:\Old Itunes Library Copy\2000 Calypso Compilation - A Tribute To Pan\08 - Wayne Rodriquez - Pan Is.m4a' to 'Z:\Old Itunes Library Copy\2000 Calypso Compilation - A Tribute To Pan\08 - Wayne Rodriquez - Pan Is.IGNORE'
    Error m4a audio file is corrupt. [clAAC::DecodeBlock]

    Error converting to [ReplayGain], 'Z:\Old Itunes Library Copy\2000 Calypso Compilation - A Tribute To Pan\11 - Hollis Wright - Celebrating With Steel.m4a' to 'Z:\Old Itunes Library Copy\2000 Calypso Compilation - A Tribute To Pan\11 - Hollis Wright - Celebrating With Steel.IGNORE'
    Error m4a audio file is corrupt. [clAAC::DecodeBlock]

    Error converting to [ReplayGain], 'Z:\Old Itunes Library Copy\2008 Compilation - Pan On Fire\02 - Anthony Johnson - Get Down.m4a' to 'Z:\Old Itunes Library Copy\2008 Compilation - Pan On Fire\02 - Anthony Johnson - Get Down.IGNORE'
    Error m4a audio file is corrupt. [clAAC::DecodeBlock]

    I looked at the files. All the players I tried, Windows Media Player, Winamp, media monkey, etc. played the tracks from beginning to end without a problem. MP3tag was able to read the tags as was windows explorer with the dBpoweramp add-ons. Mysteriously, after I played the first two files above, they converted OK. The other two continued to give the error message. I even changed some metadata and saved it using mp3tag, still no luck. I then tried opening the file in Sony Sound Forge, which can read but not write m4a files, it converts them to wave files for editing. It converted and opened the files without error.

    I then tried using the converter to "convert" the file using the m4a codec, and putting the output in a new directory. The result was it converted about the first minute of the file, and then gave the error message.

    Just to be sure I tried it with the same file on the Linksys NAS, from which the copy on the QNAP was made, same error.

    Finally I took the wav file saved from sound forge, and converted that with dBpoweramp using the m4a codec. That ran OK, the whole file converted.

    Now, I expected a few bad files in the 36000 winamp rips, but 1700? that is close to 5%. And the ones I tried seem to play OK in the players I tried (the whole file, not just the first minute).

    Any thoughts??
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44825

    Re: Music Converter/Batch converter reports some m4a files as corrupt

    Which version of dBpoweramp do you have?


    • schmidj
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • Nov 2013
      • 526

      Re: Music Converter/Batch converter reports some m4a files as corrupt


      15.1 64 bit W7, AAC Codec 2.1 recently updated from Codec central, I think the replay gain codec is current, the loudness defaults to -18 dBLK



      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44825

        Re: Music Converter/Batch converter reports some m4a files as corrupt

        If you can email one of your 'corrupt' files and when I work on R15.2 I will see what can be done:



        • DRGDC

          • Jan 2008
          • 2

          Re: Music Converter/Batch converter reports some m4a files as corrupt

          Any progress on this? I am receiving the same error.

          Error converting to mp3 (Lame)...Error m4a audio file is corrupt. [clAAC::DecodeBlock]


          • dbfan
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • Jan 2011
            • 937

            Re: Music Converter/Batch converter reports some m4a files as corrupt

            Please email your file.

