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How can I make sure it's going to the same directory every time?

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  • Dan33185

    • Jun 2014
    • 4

    How can I make sure it's going to the same directory every time?

    I've been noticing and annoying problem lately. I want any music I convert using Dbpoweramp to go my desktop. So I select my output folder as desktop and convert. Upon quitting and re opening, it has selected my "Music" folder as it's output folder. Is there any way to keep it the same every time it opens without having to manually select my output folder?
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44840

    Re: How can I make sure it's going to the same directory every time?

    As a test, add a DSP effect such as Non-Live, close the program (with cancel) then try to convert again, is the DSP effect 'non-live' there? or has gone?


    • Dan33185

      • Jun 2014
      • 4

      Re: How can I make sure it's going to the same directory every time?

      It's there, as well as my preferred output folder.


      • Dan33185

        • Jun 2014
        • 4

        Re: How can I make sure it's going to the same directory every time?

        Happened again tonight, anyone have any suggestions?


        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44840

          Re: How can I make sure it's going to the same directory every time?

          If something is resetting the settings, I would think it is something external to dBpoweramp, such as security software which has sandboxed dBpoweramp.


          • BrodyBoy
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • Sep 2011
            • 779

            Re: How can I make sure it's going to the same directory every time?

            Perhaps try setting the PATH and naming string the way you want, and then specifically saving these changes to your ripping Profile.

