For a related issue I am having (posted in this forum), I asked Ableton (the DAW company) to send me a 32bit 48khz AIF track (a few seconds long). They did. On a whim, I tried to convert it to WAV and I get this error
"Error converting to Wave, 'C:\Users\Jay\Desktop\32bitAIFFtest.aif' to 'C:\Users\Jay\Desktop\32bitAIFFtest.wav'
Error - file has compressed audio (not supported). [clWaveDecoder::PrepareToDecodeAudio]
This is using Ref 14.4
I have emailed this AIF file (which Ableton originally sent me) to illustrate support email address
"Error converting to Wave, 'C:\Users\Jay\Desktop\32bitAIFFtest.aif' to 'C:\Users\Jay\Desktop\32bitAIFFtest.wav'
Error - file has compressed audio (not supported). [clWaveDecoder::PrepareToDecodeAudio]
This is using Ref 14.4
I have emailed this AIF file (which Ableton originally sent me) to illustrate support email address