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Volume change when converting FLAC to ALAC

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  • margidowiggen

    • Apr 2014
    • 5

    Volume change when converting FLAC to ALAC

    So i got myself and iPod and therefore had to convert all of my FLAC music into ALAC. (silly Apple :headbang
    Everything seemed to be going somewhat okay, until I put the music on my iPod. The volume is way louder than the other audio files I have on my iPod (mp3). When the songs change, there is a loud POP! if the song goes from an mp3 to ALAC and I fear that it might give me hearing aids one time or another. Is there anything I am doing wrong in the convertion process, or do I have to use some sort of audio stabilization software in order to get the volume of the ALAC lowered?
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44825

    Re: Volume change when converting FLAC to ALAC

    You can use the DSP effect Replaygain and set it to write the iTUNENORM tag.


    • margidowiggen

      • Apr 2014
      • 5

      Re: Volume change when converting FLAC to ALAC

      Great, trying it right now, thanks!


      • BrodyBoy
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Sep 2011
        • 779

        Re: Volume change when converting FLAC to ALAC

        Originally posted by margidowiggen
        So i got myself and iPod and therefore had to convert all of my FLAC music into ALAC. (silly Apple :headbang
        As someone who has straddled the Apple & non-Apple universes for years now, I'd like to throw in a suggestion for you to consider (and of course, ignore, at your discretion! :

        Unless you're using an iPod Classic and/or your music library is relatively small, you're going to find that those ALAC files fill up your iPod very quickly. You might want to consider loading it up with high-bit-rate lossy AAC or MP3 conversions rather than ALAC. iPods have excellent audio capabilities, but not such that you'd ever be able to discern differences between lossless and high-quality lossy. And with the lossy versions, you're more likely to fit all your music on there and still have room for future growth.


        • garym
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • Nov 2007
          • 5932

          Re: Volume change when converting FLAC to ALAC

          Originally posted by BrodyBoy
          As someone who has straddled the Apple & non-Apple universes for years now, I'd like to throw in a suggestion for you to consider (and of course, ignore, at your discretion! :

          Unless you're using an iPod Classic and/or your music library is relatively small, you're going to find that those ALAC files fill up your iPod very quickly. You might want to consider loading it up with high-bit-rate lossy AAC or MP3 conversions rather than ALAC. iPods have excellent audio capabilities, but not such that you'd ever be able to discern differences between lossless and high-quality lossy. And with the lossy versions, you're more likely to fit all your music on there and still have room for future growth.
          +1. Time to make a nice mp3 or AAC lossy mirror of all your FLAC files for loading on your ipod. I have a FLAC library that I use for home stereo, but I use dbpa batch converter to create a mirror mp3 library (lame -v2) for use on my portable devices. 2 or 3 mouse clicks and the right setup and your mirror library has the same files, same metadata, same directory structure, but in lossy mp3 vs FLAC. Perfect for portable devices.


          • margidowiggen

            • Apr 2014
            • 5

            Re: Volume change when converting FLAC to ALAC

            Thanks for the tips, and I am surely aware of the great filesizes of ALAC, but as a proud owner of an iPod classic I think have about 160GB of storage. My music library is at 80-90GB, so there are no worries for me in that sort of way. I do not deny that I may have to change to another file type someday when my library gets too big. But I bought the iPod classic for the purpose of actually being able to fit my music on it. It's more the psychological aspect of using lossless on an portable device, than actually the real need of it though...


            • garym
              dBpoweramp Guru

              • Nov 2007
              • 5932

              Re: Volume change when converting FLAC to ALAC

              Originally posted by margidowiggen
              Thanks for the tips, and I am surely aware of the great filesizes of ALAC, but as a proud owner of an iPod classic I think have about 160GB of storage. My music library is at 80-90GB, so there are no worries for me in that sort of way. I do not deny that I may have to change to another file type someday when my library gets too big. But I bought the iPod classic for the purpose of actually being able to fit my music on it. It's more the psychological aspect of using lossless on an portable device, than actually the real need of it though...
              understand. :smile2: I'm thinking of my own library where I also have an ipod classic 160GB. But I have over 80,000 FLAC files (and I'm not done ripping my CDs yet either). So 160GB won't even hold my entire collection when I have a mirror library of ~192kbs mp3 files.....I still have to pick and choose and change occasionally.

              edit: and use foobar2000 and the ABX component and ABX a few mp3 LAME -v2 files (about 192kbps) compared to FLAC lossless. This will allow you to rest easy with the thought of using lossy on your portables.
              Last edited by garym; April 26, 2014, 01:47 AM.


              • margidowiggen

                • Apr 2014
                • 5

                Re: Volume change when converting FLAC to ALAC

                80,000 FLAC files!? And that is not even all of them?! Good god, I can only wish for my collection to reach such a high amount one day. I've barely even begun!


                • margidowiggen

                  • Apr 2014
                  • 5

                  Re: Volume change when converting FLAC to ALAC

                  Is the ABX a sort of "plug-in" for testing the quality?


                  • garym
                    dBpoweramp Guru

                    • Nov 2007
                    • 5932

                    Re: Volume change when converting FLAC to ALAC

                    Originally posted by margidowiggen
                    Is the ABX a sort of "plug-in" for testing the quality?
                    Google abx test

                    Its a double blind test for comparing two versions of same track to see if you can reliably tell the difference.

                    And ive been buying albums since the 1960s and CDs since mid 1980s. So it adds up over time! 3 CDs a week for 30 years is almost 5000 CDs. And for much of the 1990s, I visited a used cd store after lunch everyday, so I was buying several used CDs EVERY DAY! I still pick up several CDs a week, although now mostly via online purchases. I have a friend who makes my collection look puny. It's an addiction. :D
                    Last edited by garym; April 26, 2014, 03:32 AM.

