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Power Pack Ripping Speed

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    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Oct 2002
    • 88

    Power Pack Ripping Speed

    Hi, I seem to have lost quite a bit of ripping speed, I was ripping at any where between 20x to 40+x, now suddenly can't seem to get past 11x, any ideas. I'm using dmc10 beta8 with Power Pack3 on win.xpsp1. My settings have not changed. Also I get stuttering when I try to sample tracks before I ripp. This happened rather suddenly as Iwas ripping a stones 40 licks 2cd, first cd ripped great and 2nd.I had difficulty retrieving disc info from the free server, I finally did, but suddenly lost ripp speed. THanks jvillas
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44825

    Do you have a 2nd CD drive you can try?


      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

      • Oct 2002
      • 88

      Ripping Speed

      Originally posted by Spoon
      Do you have a 2nd CD drive you can try?
      Hi Spoon, yes I have a 2nd drive same problem, This is what I tried. I uninstalled my dvd rom drive Which is a pioneer120,6weeks old,and installed a plexwriter40x12x40a which is a spare and began to ripp. and my ripp speed now seems ok. There were some odd speedreadings that occured like 143.3x,51.5x,and 0.0x ,but generaly the speed was reading 20xto40x, I don't know if these numbers were a result of using the plexwriter as a ripper, which I have never done before.Ive only used it to burn.I guess what I'm uncertain about is what may have caused my ripping speed to drop in the first place, and whether I should continue to use the Plexwriter as prmarily a ripper and for cd playback.I may re-install my Pioneer to see if I still have the same problem. The problem seems to be with my system a setting or something who knows. Finally on my 2nd. drive I have a plexwriter premium also about 6wks old. Do you have any thoughts about any of this? jvillas


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44825

        You might want to clear dBpowerAMP off fresh (that is follow the instructions here, don't mind it says dAP):

        A. Some setting has changed that does not agree with your computer, run this to refresh dAP to the factory install setting:

        And see if a new install helps.


        • JVILLAS
          dBpoweramp Enthusiast

          • Oct 2002
          • 88

          Hi Spoon, did as you suggested a refresh, and a clean install. Ripped 4 cds, ripping speed was as I had been use to getting x20to x40+and very smooth. Only difficulty I was retreiving cd info on the first cd, it got hung-up and error message appeared, send to microsoft, I ignored this and tried again 2nd. attempt cd was instantly recognized as were the other cds.I'm going to do a bit more ripping before I re-register. Oh yeah, I installed the latest dmc bete10r9 and am converting to ape and mpc. Thankx for all your help.

