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Metadata modification issue with Windows Explorer

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  • schmidj
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Nov 2013
    • 526

    Metadata modification issue with Windows Explorer

    I have run into an issue with modifying the metadata in .wav files in Windows Explorer using the added properties that dbPoweramp Music Converter/Ripper adds to the properties window. On .wav files created by recording in Sony Sound Forge Pro 11, attempts to add some metadata tags such as compilation and album artist fail to be saved, using the "add tag" feature in the "ID-Tag" window. They also fail to survive when changed in the "Details" window. Files created by my digital recorder, even when edited by Sound Forge Pro, or even "saved as" and then further edited do not have this issue, you can add and save these metadata tags.

    If I "clear" the ID tag, (in that window) and start from scratch, the tags can be added and saved successfully, but, of course, I loose what was put in there by Sound Forge (my copyright data, and my name as an engineer, plus a couple of other things Sound Forge adds, like date and time.) Obviously, if I put the title and artist in using Sound Forge, I have to do that over as well.

    I know that Sound Forge , as well as other editing software I use also store markers and regions in the metadata, as it travels between software when I save in one program and open in the other (most notably Izotope RX).

    Any idea why this is happening, and any work around short of clearing the ID tag and re-entering?

    John Schmidt
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44843

    Re: Metadata modification issue with Windows Explorer

    The Sony writes only LIST tags which cannot hold the values you want, dBpoweramp when creating a new file will write LIST + id3 tags, which can hold them.

    To update the file to both LIST + id3, install the ultility codec 'ID Tag Update' and convert the file to this codec to rewrite the tags.


    • schmidj
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • Nov 2013
      • 526

      Re: Metadata modification issue with Windows Explorer

      Thanks for the quick answer. A couple of follow up questions? In the setup for ID Tag Update, did I have to map all the existing tags to themselves to keep them from being deleted, or would they have stayed anyway? One anomaly? I mapped "encoded by" to itself. The value set by Sound Forge" is "Sound Forge Pro 11.0" That shows up in the ID Tag window of Windows Explorer, but the field is blank in Details, under the Audio heading. A file I didn't convert doesn't even have the field on the ID tag page, and it also is blank under Details. Not an important item, just curious.

      Also, is there a way to open the settings part of dbPoweramp Music Converter without selecting a file to convert and to save the settings without actually converting something? Maybe I'm blind, but I couldn't see any way. Also, is there a way to save the existing settings under a new profile. It seemed that you have to name the profile first, then enter the settings (again in my case, as I had entered them without naming a profile first, just using the drop-down box saved profile)?

      But in any event, it works. I had been tearing out my hair on this issue for a week now, trying to figure out why I could set the metadata sometimes and not others. One would think Sony might change this in their software, but then they are Sony, so unlikely...


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44843

        Re: Metadata modification issue with Windows Explorer

        There are many different standards, sound forge might use something Windows Explorer does not.

        >Also, is there a way to open the settings part of dbPoweramp Music Converter without selecting a file to convert and to save the settings without actually converting something?

        You can change settings then click cancel and settings are preserved.

        > Also, is there a way to save the existing settings under a new profile.

        Select the profile

