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Compilations Metadata Issues - Linn Kinsky

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  • yoshi

    • Feb 2014
    • 2

    Compilations Metadata Issues - Linn Kinsky


    I am using Dbpoweramp (paid version), to rip cd to flac files. All is going well for albums by one artist, the tracks are shown all in the correct album.

    Where help is required is with compilation albums, when I rip a cd all the tracks are shown on Linn Kinsky in different 'albums' not all grouped together.

    I have tried ripping with the compilation tick box checked and changing the naming 'string' from looking at other posts on the forum, however it still does not seam to work properly for me.

    If any one can help me I would appreciated it.

    I am using windows 7, Netgear Readynasduo V2 and its built in server software, Linn DSM with Ipad Kinsky control point.

    Thank You.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44842

    Re: Compilations Metadata Issues - Linn Kinsky

    The issue is with the UPnP server on the NAS, you can try setting the album artist to Various Artists, but you should not have to do this.


    • BrodyBoy
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • Sep 2011
      • 779

      Re: Compilations Metadata Issues - Linn Kinsky

      Originally posted by yoshi

      I am using Dbpoweramp (paid version), to rip cd to flac files. All is going well for albums by one artist, the tracks are shown all in the correct album.

      Where help is required is with compilation albums, when I rip a cd all the tracks are shown on Linn Kinsky in different 'albums' not all grouped together.

      I have tried ripping with the compilation tick box checked and changing the naming 'string' from looking at other posts on the forum, however it still does not seam to work properly for me.

      If any one can help me I would appreciated it.

      I am using windows 7, Netgear Readynasduo V2 and its built in server software, Linn DSM with Ipad Kinsky control point.

      Thank You.
      In my experience, almost all playback software will use the ALBUM ARTIST tag to group albums, either by default or as a user-selectable option. While some players are smart enough to use the compilation flag, how it's treated can vary a lot, so that approach isn't especially reliable. In cases where there's no ALBUM ARTIST tag present and the player doesn't use the compilation flag, it will default to using the ARTIST tag. This is how multi-artist albums can get scattered around under each artist listing.

      Try this with one of your problematic compilation albums: Set the ALBUM ARTIST tag the same for all tracks on that album. This can be "Various Artists," "Various," "Compilation," or any other label that makes sense to you. Some people use the same generic ALBUM ARTIST tag for all their multi-artist albums (typically "Various Artists"), while others create labels that are more specific when the album allows (like using "Bob Dylan" for the 30th Anniversary Concert album.)

      You may need to re-scan your library after editing tags (most network streaming players seem to require this). When you're done, the album should now be intact (all tracks together) and listed under the new ALBUM ARTIST tag (in your player's artist view/listing). If that worked, you have your need to set the ALBUM ARTIST tags for your compilation albums.


      • mville
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Dec 2008
        • 4023

        Re: Compilations Metadata Issues - Linn Kinsky

        I too always populate ARTIST, ALBUM ARTIST (and the associated sort tags) and set the Compilation flag when necessary. Never had a problem that many seem to get with compilations. So for my flacs I'll do this:

        Brian Eno - Here Come The Warm Jets (1973 non-compilation album)
        Track 01:
        ARTIST = Brian Eno
        ARTIST SORT= Eno, Brian
        ALBUMARTIST = Brian Eno
        ALBUM ARTIST SORT= Eno, Brian
        COMPILATION = leave blank

        Track 02:
        ARTIST = Brian Eno
        ARTIST SORT= Eno, Brian
        ALBUMARTIST = Brian Eno
        ALBUM ARTIST SORT= Eno, Brian
        COMPILATION = leave blank

        Various Artists - The Original Chillout Album (2005 compilation album)
        Track 01:
        ARTIST = Massive Attack
        ARTIST SORT= Massive Attack
        ALBUMARTIST = Various Artists
        ALBUM ARTIST SORT= Various Artists
        COMPILATION = 1

        Track 02:
        ARTIST = Doves
        ARTIST SORT= Doves
        ALBUMARTIST = Various Artists
        ALBUM ARTIST SORT= Various Artists
        COMPILATION = 1

        The only annoyance I have experienced is with my mp3 files on an iPod Classic (160Gb), where Apple's firmware does not read the ALBUMARTIST tags.


        • BrodyBoy
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • Sep 2011
          • 779

          Re: Compilations Metadata Issues - Linn Kinsky

          Originally posted by mville
          I too always populate ARTIST, ALBUM ARTIST (and the associated sort tags) and set the Compilation flag when necessary. Never had a problem that many seem to get with compilations.
          Yeah, I have a routine "tagging protocol" that always comes after every rip. All albums are processed through mp3tag, where I set the ALBUM ARTIST tag, all the sort tags, and a bunch of others. I've also created some actions (macros) that I run to ensure uniform formatting. I've found that it's better to "over-tag," i.e., apply tags you don't necessarily need all the time, than to leave something out and have to go back and fix a bunch of albums (usually for a new player/device application) months or years later. As I'm sure you know, it's a royal PITA to hunt for tagging errors or omissions in a library of thousands of albums. MUCH better to get it right at the outset.

          The only annoyance I have experienced is with my mp3 files on an iPod Classic (160Gb), where Apple's firmware does not read the ALBUMARTIST tags.
          There are ways around that annoying limitation, but the easiest approach I've found is to tweak tags (for proper iPod Classic display) after the files are loaded onto the device. This avoids having to store a separate iPod library on the computer. (On another note: I can't see, for the life of me, why Apple still sells a product they chose to stop supporting four years ago.....)


          • mville
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • Dec 2008
            • 4023

            Re: Compilations Metadata Issues - Linn Kinsky

            Originally posted by BrodyBoy
            There are ways around that annoying limitation, but the easiest approach I've found is to tweak tags (for proper iPod Classic display)
            Yes, my solution is to tweak Track 01, Artist tag.

            Originally posted by BrodyBoy
            On another note: I can't see, for the life of me, why Apple still sells a product they chose to stop supporting four years ago.....)
            Agreed. Why they can't produce a firmware update so the device reads AlbumArtist tags is beyond me.


            • yoshi

              • Feb 2014
              • 2

              Re: Compilations Metadata Issues - Linn Kinsky

              Hi Mville, BrodyBoy, Spoon,

              Thanks for all the advice.

              I had a feeling that it was the equipment/software rather than the way I was ripping it. Which is a bit frustrating. If I install new server software on the NAS would this help? Minimserver looks quite good.

              I have heard on the grapevine that Linn are looking to release a new kinksy in a couple of months, wonder if it will help the situation.

              I have tried inputting 'various artists' in the album artist, however it still lists all the tracks for a compilation cd separately.

              Just to double check. When I rip a CD the compilation box should be checked, I am leaving the profile on default (or should I choose another option?) and compilation is set to 1.

              This may seam like a silly question but when I put the folder on the NAS with the tracks in for the various artist folders should I put that folder on the NAS as well or just the album folder with the flac files and album art image in? i.e Various Artists/Cinematic Orchestra/ Late Nite Tales... or just Cinematic Orchestra/ Late Nite Tales...

              @BrodyBoy you mention that you edit the metadata in mp3tag after ripping. If the metadata is correct when I rip in dbpoweramp do I still have to do this?

              Thanks in advance for you help.

