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converting 48k wav to any other 44k format creates artifacting in win 7 64bit

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  • jaypea500

    • Jan 2014
    • 3

    converting 48k wav to any other 44k format creates artifacting in win 7 64bit

    using windows 7 32bit with dbpoweramp music converter 14.4.

    as part of my job as a radio production manager, I'm frequently asked to convert 48k 16bit wav files to 44.1k mp3's or wma's. this has become frustrating on this windows 7 32bit pc using dMC.

    when I convert the file, the resulting output has severe artifacting, sounding much like a file being played at the wrong sample rate, with a buzz riding on top of all audio.:confused:

    if I do the conversion with other software (audio editors like sound forge or adobe audition) the output comes out clean. also, if I use a dedicated sample rate converter (like voxengo's r8brain) to convert the sample rate to 44.1k first, then use dMC to turn the file into mp3 or wma, I get clean output. though these methods work, they add additional steps and time to the process.

    now, we've been using dMC for years in our plant. we've been happy with it for a long time. but, with the coming EOL for win xp, and our ongoing conversion to win 7 and 8, I'm afraid I may have to leave dMC behind for something else if I can't get this problem solved.:cry:

    any ideas?

  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44825

    Re: converting 48k wav to any other 44k format creates artifacting in win 7 64bit

    Insert the DSP effect 'Resample' otherwise the Windows resampler is used often, which is no good.


    • jaypea500

      • Jan 2014
      • 3

      Re: converting 48k wav to any other 44k format creates artifacting in win 7 64bit

      Thanks, spoon. Is that something I have to do each time I need to convert, or will dMC remember the setting? Can I create a preset to include resample in the conversion process?


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44825

        Re: converting 48k wav to any other 44k format creates artifacting in win 7 64bit

        It will remember

