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List in alphabetical order and each song twice from Network Streamer but not from PC

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  • semichaelid

    • Aug 2011
    • 7

    List in alphabetical order and each song twice from Network Streamer but not from PC

    I have recently bought a DENON CEOL RCD-N8 to have in the kitchen.
    It reads music files directly from my Netgear NV+ NAS across my home WiFi.
    However, all CD's that I have ripped, using dbpoweramp, after I connected my DENON machine, looks strange from the DENON machine.

    From my PC, connected to my main HiFi, everything looks fine. Both earlier ripped CD's and newly ripped CD's but the new CD's, when trying to play them from the DENON machine look strange. Every song appears twice and in alphabetical order instead of the order form the CD.
    This in spite of the fact that I rip them to include the sequence number from the CD, ie 01, 02, 03, etc. The numbers are just gone.

    When checking on my PC folder, ie the NAS, it looks fine. Each file have the name starting with 01, 02, 03, etc and when playing with AlbumPlayer it works fine but, as I said before, not when trying to play the same songs from the DENON machine.
    What's really puzzling is that when I play the old CD's, that I ripped before connecting the DENON machine to my home network, it works fine from the DENON machine as well. It is as if teh DENON machine filters out the digits starting each file name and puts each file twice.

    What could cause this. The NAS, the DENON machine or dbpoweramp? and how can I get it right?

    Anyone knows? I would appreciate a solution.

  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44669

    Re: List in alphabetical order and each song twice from Network Streamer but not from

    Did you rip to flac and mp3?


    • semichaelid

      • Aug 2011
      • 7

      Re: List in alphabetical order and each song twice from Network Streamer but not from

      I rip to wav, ie as much lossless and unaffcted as possible.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44669

        Re: List in alphabetical order and each song twice from Network Streamer but not from

        Both issues are likely down to the UPnP server on the NAS, as a test install Asset UPnP and point it to the nas, then browse asset from the denon.


        • semichaelid

          • Aug 2011
          • 7

          Re: List in alphabetical order and each song twice from Network Streamer but not from

          Hi Spoon,
          Thanks for taking time to assist me.
          Forgive me for asking a possibly stupid question. I am rather new to this.
          Should the Asset UPnP be installed on a PC or in the NAS itself?
          If on a PC, does that then mean that I need to have this PC running all the time?
          The point is partly to be able to listen to music in the kitchen without having to go to the HiFi room and turn on the PC.
          It could be that you are suggesting this to test the Asset UPnP on the PC and then, if it proves to work, install it in the NAS.
          Please explain a bit. In layman's terms.


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44669

            Re: List in alphabetical order and each song twice from Network Streamer but not from

            It would be on a PC for this test, Asset has versions for QNAPs and the raspberry pi currently as well.


            • semichaelid

              • Aug 2011
              • 7

              Re: List in alphabetical order and each song twice from Network Streamer but not from

              OK, I have installed Asset on a PC and managed to make teh DENON music streamer find it as an UPnP device.
              I still have not managed to make teh Asset server to understand my file structure.
              I have set up my NAS to have teh structure //NAS/Music/Artist/Album/song .
              When I try it from my DENON, I see the Asset but when I come in there, I cannot browse folders.
              When selecting Artists, I see all artists and under, all albums but not the songs. Each album seems to be empty.
              Do I have the possibility to tell Asset to present folders instead?

              Thanks for your time.


              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44669

                Re: List in alphabetical order and each song twice from Network Streamer but not from

                In Asset browse: Advanced Search >> File and Folder Browsing

                However if the albums are empty, then there is a chance the player does not recognize your file types, you might have to set asset to transcode them, or use a Control point such as:

                Asset Control (a UPnP / DLNA control point) is billed as the control point you have been waiting for . In UPnP there are: Server / Control Point / Renderer, where the Server catalogues tracks, Control Point creates playlists from the Server and controls the Renderer (player), all 3 elements of UPnP could reside on the same


                • semichaelid

                  • Aug 2011
                  • 7

                  Re: List in alphabetical order and each song twice from Network Streamer but not from

                  I am using wav format for all songs in my NAS and as far as I could see, wav is a supported format by Asset.
                  Isn't it possible to configure Asset to traverse down in a file structure, until it reaches the leaf nodes, ie the wav files?
                  I get the impression that it doesn't reach deep enough in my file structure.



                  • Spoon
                    • Apr 2002
                    • 44669

                    Re: List in alphabetical order and each song twice from Network Streamer but not from

                    All sub folders are indexed by asset, if you have an album name showing, then the tracks were read.


                    • semichaelid

                      • Aug 2011
                      • 7

                      Re: List in alphabetical order and each song twice from Network Streamer but not from

                      Strange that the songs don't show even though I have them in wav format, which I believe is supported.

                      Anyway: I think I have managed to solve the issue.
                      It seems that what was causing the problem was a mismatch with ID tags, file structure and UPnP index caching.
                      I had ID tags that showed song titles without preceding sequence numbers and it seemed that my DENON machine mixed up ID tags and file names, hence the wrong order.
                      I deleted the folder from my NAS and re-ripped it and the NAS cache kept both the original and the the re-ripped information, hence double entries in DENON.
                      Albumplayer, that I use from my PC, does not connect to UPnP but simply reads the file structure, hence always correct.

                      When I deleted the ID tags from each new song, the DENON showed both the old, not correctly ordered, songs and the songs in correct order preceded by the sequence numbers.
                      However, only the correctly ordered songs could be played. The other ones gave error message: "No File" or something like that.

                      All this plus a discussion with a very clever friend at work, led me to log on to my NAS and force a rescan of the UPnP index.
                      After that, low and behold, everything works fine.

                      Now I just need to figure out how to rip CDs without getting the ID tags as they obviously, in some cases, cause problems.

                      Thanks again for your time to assist me in this.
                      Dan from Sweden

