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Weird volume normalisation behavior

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  • RossRoy
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • May 2003
    • 403

    Weird volume normalisation behavior

    I am trying to get some classical music to sound like it's "elevator music", meaning constant volume throughout, even on soft passage, because I want to be able to listen to it at work without having to jump on the volume everytime a loud passage comes up.

    I used adaptive normalisation with a 6000 msec window size and a desired volume at 100% of maximum. I don't care much about sound quality, I am using 64 Kbps OGG files, seeing as I have crappy speakers and can't hear the distortion or anything.

    Well, most of the songs sound nice, with an almost constant volume and I don't have to adjust it much. But then comes one of the song where the volume starts nice, same as the other, but the drops to a whisper before coming slowly back up. It's a march, and it happens a few seconds into the soft part right after the loud intro.

    Oh... I think I may have just answered my own question. If the window size is 6 seconds, then it's taking into account 6 seconds, and then, when it's not taking into account the loud part anymore, the sound drops. But then, it shouldn't, it should go up... I'm confused. Can someone explain how adaptive normalisation works?
  • Razgo
    • Apr 2002
    • 2532

    i haven't tested it out much myself. but found some interesting threads on it:

    When using adaptive normalization to 85% with a 3000ms window, there are occasional spikes that go to 100%. How do I make this not happen?

    Hi, I'm a newbie but, what is the different between the 3 kinds of normalizations ("simple...", "adaptive..." & "fixed") ? Thanks :-)

    Normalizing a bunch of audio files is done to make them all sound the same volume, imagine if you have just made up a CD and for each song you have to adjust the volume either higher or lower to get the right effect, not good. It works by searching the audio file for the maximum sound level and if this is less than 86% of

    i also have just noticed there is a "fixed normalization" option as well.


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44773

      Yes you would need a smaller window.

