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Transcoding question

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    Transcoding question

    I record a local radio station from the web using the schedule function of a program called Total Recorder, a program that I highly recommend and well worth the purchase price.

    I currently record the stream (32 Kb/s Windows Media) to 32 Kb/s MP3. I then import the recorded MP3 into Sonic Stage for upload to my minidisc recorder. The problem with this method is the transcoding process from Windows Media -> MP3 -> Atrac3 LP4 results in significant artifacting that does not occur if I record directly from my sound card to the minidisc using an optical cable. If I record the stream to 44 or 22 KHz wave will I avoid the additional level of transcoding that I get when I transcode from MP3 to Atrac3? I should add that not all my recorded material exhibits the artifacting problem, mostly re-runs of old radio theatre that vary significantly in quality from one program to the next.

  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44847

    Record to wave is best no transcoding.

