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I'm dumb - music convertor crashes everytime i use it

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  • X-mass

    • Aug 2003
    • 1

    I'm dumb - music convertor crashes everytime i use it

    Cleary i must be doing something wrong since it works for everyone one else but when i try to convert a group of files (or even a file) from,mp3 to wma or mp3 or to what I'm really after mp3pro the software crashes
    I can open up the dump in Visual c if you want ( cant code c to save my life though)

    I'v ejust downloaded version 9a today and I'm not using the power pack

    I've got a thompson lyra and I want to stick some mp32pro's on it to see what its like - I never get to the tompson mp3 encoder bit

    any help would be appreciated

  • Unregistered

    more info its causing a page fault

    USICCONVERTER caused an invalid page fault in
    module MUSICCONVERTER.EXE at 0177:0040329c.
    EAX=ffffffff CS=0177 EIP=0040329c EFLGS=00010202
    EBX=0051ca89 SS=017f ESP=01716d38 EBP=00000000
    ECX=004213ac DS=017f ESI=00794440 FS=18b7
    EDX=00000000 ES=017f EDI=00000000 GS=0000
    Bytes at CS:EIP:
    66 39 7a 02 75 0b b8 01 00 00 00 89 44 24 28 eb
    Stack dump:
    00000000 0051ca89 007944e0 00794550 00000001 00790600 00000000 01716fa8 00da4240 00000000 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44825

      Try deleting the folder:

      C:\Program Files\Illustrate\dBpoweramp

      ** if you have my audio player, back up your music collection files first

      Then reinstall just dMC, try it, then add other codecs and see how you go.


      • Unregistered

        Originally posted by Spoon
        Try deleting the folder:

        C:\Program Files\Illustrate\dBpoweramp

        ** if you have my audio player, back up your music collection files first

        Then reinstall just dMC, try it, then add other codecs and see how you go.
        ok did as you asked but only installed the mp3pro encoder and nothing else and it seems to now work

        however - the origonal name of the file isnt retained its called by some file name like ~dmc and then stuffed into c:\

        any suggestions?

        I'm trying to batch convert something like 15 gig of files to mp3pro


        • Unregistered

          ok it seems to be batch converting files into somiething then every few minutes the thompson encoder asks me do i want over write do I want to overwrite ~dmc.mp3
          i tried saying no i tried saying yes
          as far as i can seen i end up with the smame single file and bunch of directories
          I'm not seeing any file sconverted

          I'm deeply deeply confused either its is converting the files which is great but i dont know where they are going or there not and I'm wasting my time

          yours confused


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44825

            Try just doing 2 files, and click the 'Rename' button, that will show where they are going.

