Hi there.
I just stepped over your EBU R128 plugin in your converter app.
As far as I can see -- it (unfortunately) converts the audio data based on the algorithm right away.
I'm wondering if there is a solution that uses the ReplayGain tags for storing the new EBU R128 levels
to avoid touching the data.
I'm looking for the similar plugin as used on ReplayGain, which just writes the tags.
It should also come with the album-gain tag (based on directory/album).
info: There's a tool called r128gain which writes the R128 values into the RG tags. That tool also allows to add an offset in db to the tags - they call it "preamp". It basically allows to adjust your normalized data to the sensivity of your system. This way you might get along without using any volume control. Could be a nice new feature for EBUR128 as well as RG.
I just stepped over your EBU R128 plugin in your converter app.
As far as I can see -- it (unfortunately) converts the audio data based on the algorithm right away.
I'm wondering if there is a solution that uses the ReplayGain tags for storing the new EBU R128 levels
to avoid touching the data.
I'm looking for the similar plugin as used on ReplayGain, which just writes the tags.
It should also come with the album-gain tag (based on directory/album).
info: There's a tool called r128gain which writes the R128 values into the RG tags. That tool also allows to add an offset in db to the tags - they call it "preamp". It basically allows to adjust your normalized data to the sensivity of your system. This way you might get along without using any volume control. Could be a nice new feature for EBUR128 as well as RG.