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"/" in track title or album title when converting to Nero AAC

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  • matt_t
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Feb 2008
    • 80

    "/" in track title or album title when converting to Nero AAC

    Something funny is going on when there is a "/" in either a track title or an album title when converting to Nero AAC. I can't quite work it out, but I think this is about right:

    If the title of the original FLAC track is "Scarborough Fair/Canticle" and you convert this to Nero AAC, the pop-up information tip of the AAC file shows

    Scarborough Fair

    with a new line after the "/". [And indeed right-click Edit ID Tag shows Scarborough Fair{CR}Canticle]

    However, if you load the AAC track into Mp3tag or foobar, the title still displays correctly.

    *However* if you then run the AAC track through IDTag Update and *then* load it into Mp3Tag or foobar, the title shows Scarborough FairCanticle (Mp3tag) or Scarborough Fair_Canticle (fb2000). [FWIW I'm mapping cdec to Encoder Settings.]

    This seems to be a new bug in dMC 14.3, since I have some AAC files made with 14.2 and they are fine, i.e. they appear correctly in Mp3tag/fb2000 even after being IDTag Updated. However, the pop-up info still shows:

    Scarborough Fair

    The same thing happens with the title field, e.g Symphony No.7 in E minor/major, D729. It seems to be only Nero AAC that's affected - at least, I tried converting to LAME and then doing an IDTag Update, but LAME was OK.

    Hope you can fix this. Thanks.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44847

    Re: "/" in track title or album title when converting to Nero AAC

    Must be a bug, will check for R14.4

