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lost codec

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  • eiji

    • May 2003
    • 6

    lost codec

    I just purchased CycerScrub. After running the program I discovered that I had made a error when I set it up. Now some of my mp3 files are missing the time length in the tag info box. If I try to play with DAP, or burn these files to cd, or convert them to any other format I recieve this error: "The codec required to decompress .....mp3 could not be opened." Is there something I can do to restore these files or do I have to download them again? It's strange because it didn't affect all my mp3 files, only random files. :sad:
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44825

    You can try other programs, such as Winamp, but it sounds as though you need to re-get them.


    • eiji

      • May 2003
      • 6

      Re lost codec

      Originally posted by Spoon
      You can try other programs, such as Winamp, but it sounds as though you need to re-get them.
      I don't believe that it has anyting to do with your programs Spoon. I get error messaes when I try to play these files with WMP, Sony's Open MG player or Easy Cd Creator's player. I'm not willing to DL WinAmp because I like your Programs better! I would rather pay and recieve good support for what I have, than get something for free and recieve no support at all. Thanks for the reply Spoon. If anyone else has any ideas to help me resolve this problem, please reply to this post. I'll refrain from deleting these files untill I'm sure that I have no other choice but to DL them again. :headbang:


      • Razgo
        • Apr 2002
        • 2532

        whats a CycerScrub? or is it cyberscrub?

        can you supply a download link to one of the mp3 files that arn't working?


        • eiji

          • May 2003
          • 6


          Originally posted by Razgo
          whats a CycerScrub? or is it cyberscrub?

          can you supply a download link to one of the mp3 files that arn't working?

          Cyberscrub is a HD cleaning utility, here is a link to their site:

 . I will e-mail you a file in a zip format.


          • Razgo
            • Apr 2002
            • 2532

            i couldn't do anything with that file at all. did you send a link to spoon also?

            do you thing it encrypted the mp3 files?


            • eiji

              • May 2003
              • 6

              Originally posted by Razgo
              i couldn't do anything with that file at all. did you send a link to spoon also?

              do you thing it encrypted the mp3 files?
              No I didn't send a copy to spoon. I have contacted their Tech support and got a message that they had never heard of this problem before. They were going to pass the problem to their developers and then get back to me. Thanks for trying Razgo.:smile:


              • Razgo
                • Apr 2002
                • 2532

                no worries. it will be interesting to see if it can be undone some how.

