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Error ripping to FLAC : PLEASE, HELP ME!

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  • JPHuot

    • Aug 2012
    • 4

    Error ripping to FLAC : PLEASE, HELP ME!

    I have downloaded the 21 days trial version of dBpoweramp CD Ripper. The application looks very interesting and I would be happy to purchase it, if it could do what it is suppose to do!

    When I insert a CD in my computer, it detects it and the list of the songs with the titles appears as well as the album art. When I click on "Rip", the program goes very quickly trough all the songs and after each songs, the is a message in the Rip Status columns that says "Error" with a red "x" at the left of it. Then, after it went through all the songs, a window appears with the titlle "dBpowerampCD Ripper : Errors". In the window, there is a message for each songs that says :

    " Error ripping to FLAC, 'Track 1' to '\\vmware-host\Shared Folders\Music\Stevie Wonder\Songs in the key of life - Isn't She Lovely.flac'
    Error unable to open File '\\vmware-host\Shared Folders\Music\Stevie Wonder\Songs in the key of life - Isn't She Lovely.flac' for writing. [clEncoder::BeginConversion]

    And that message is repeated for every tracks.

    I tried with WAV, MP3.... Same results.

    I changed the Path : same results.

    When I use Windows Media Player to rip, everything works fine, it saves the files in my Music folder.

    I checked on the Forum and I saw that some people had the same problem and some people were talking about a NAS (?), or other issues, and they replied that they were able to resolve the problem without any explanations. I have to precise that I have installed Windows XP on my Mac OS X Lion 10.7.4 with Fusion 5. It's a brand new installation, I have no restriction for write or read, no administrator password or no multiple accounts on it. Besides, everything works fine with other programs. Is it because it's the trial version?

    I would have liked to contact the costumer service but there is no email or contact for it. The program is very promising and does exactly what I am looking for. I usually use Max to converter my files to flac on Mac OS, but it has issues with the metadatas and album art. I would be happy to pay to have dBpoweramp if I could resolve this issue. I find it very frustrating that there is no way to contact costumer service.


    Jean-Pierre Huot
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44825

    Re: Error ripping to FLAC : PLEASE, HELP ME!

    The error is the program is denied write access to the drive / folder you ripping to, it is the operating system which is blocking write access.


    • JPHuot

      • Aug 2012
      • 4

      Re: Error ripping to FLAC : PLEASE, HELP ME!

      Thanks for the reply.
      I changed the Path and tried to save in different folders and it still doesn't work. How come I can rip any CDs with Windows Media Player and it saves the files in any folders I designated it to? Mediamonkey works fine too. I don't think that the operating system blocks the writing since it works with Windows Media Player and Mediamonkey. (?)
      Do have any other idea why it doesn't work?
      Last edited by JPHuot; August 29, 2012, 08:22 PM.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44825

        Re: Error ripping to FLAC : PLEASE, HELP ME!

        No security software on the XP install?


        • JPHuot

          • Aug 2012
          • 4

          Re: Error ripping to FLAC : PLEASE, HELP ME!

          No, no security software.
          And it's a new installation, I just downloaded 2 very secure programs yet (including dBpoweramp).
          Maybe because there is no c:\ in the path?


          • JPHuot

            • Aug 2012
            • 4

            Re: Error ripping to FLAC : PLEASE, HELP ME!

            Originally posted by JPHuot
            No, no security software.
            And it's a new installation, I just downloaded 2 very secure programs yet (including dBpoweramp).
            Maybe because there is no c:\ in the path?

            Great! I found the solution!
            I typed manually C:\Music and the ripping worked! As it turned out, when you select a folder by clicking on the "Set" button, Fusion redirect the selection to the VMware Shared Folders that replicates the same folders that there are on the C:\ and those folders don't start with C:\.

            Thanks anyway for the replies and have a good day!


            • michaelbenson

              • Jul 2012
              • 1

              Re: Error ripping to FLAC : PLEASE, HELP ME!

              I had a hard time finding this post. I'm glad i'm here finally...

