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command line corconverter error in Windows 7 64 bit

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  • daveolson
    • Apr 2012
    • 1

    command line corconverter error in Windows 7 64 bit

    I am able to convert audio files using the dMC application but when I try to run coreconverter from the command line it crashes with an error saying it cannot find the encoder. This is dMC version 14.1

    Any suggestions?
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44376

    Re: command line corconverter error in Windows 7 64 bit

    You would have to post your command line...

    Be aware that some command-lines are system specific (if using say WMA)


    • willbelair
      • May 2009
      • 8

      Re: command line corconverter error in Windows 7 64 bit

      Hello Spoon, I try to convert .rm file to .wma on windows 7. I can do that via the (registered) application, but just cannot get it right with command line. This is my command (in perl)
      my $conversion = "\"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Illustrate\\dBpoweramp\\coreconverter.exe\" -infile=\"$input_rm\" -outfile=\"$output_wma\" -convert_to=\"Windows Media Audio 10\" -codec=\"Windows Media Audio 9.2\" -settings=\"32 kbps, 22 kHz, stereo VBR\" -vbr";

      Please help, thank you.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44376

        Re: command line corconverter error in Windows 7 64 bit

        Try enabling debug mode for the converter, convert once with command line and once in the gui, and compare.


        • willbelair
          • May 2009
          • 8

          Re: command line corconverter error in Windows 7 64 bit

          Hi Spoon, thank you for replying. Here are the 2 debug
          1- successful from app:
          encoder settings ' -codec="Windows Media Audio 9.2" -settings=" 16 kbps, 16 kHz, mono CBR"'
          Creating WMA Writer
          Creating WMA Profile Manager
          Creating Empty WMA Profile
          Adding Audio Stream
          Initializing Converter
          Setting Profile
          Setting Output Filename
          Setting Input Format Type
          Begining Writing

          2- Error from command line:

          encoder settings ' -codec="Windows Media Audio 9.2" -settings="16 kbps, 16 kHz, mono CBR"'
          Creating WMA Writer
          Creating WMA Profile Manager
          Creating Empty WMA Profile
          Adding Audio Stream
          *** Error: Error Creating WMA Profile. [clEncoder::BeginConversion]
          ->-> [clDecoder::Close]
          ->-> [clDirectShow::FreeDirectShow]
          <-<- [clDirectShow::FreeDirectShow]
          <-<- [clDecoder::Close]
          ->-> [clDirectShow::FreeDirectShow]
          <-<- [clDirectShow::FreeDirectShow]

          I see the 2 settings are the same, just wonder why it does not work from command line.

          Thank you.


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44376

            Re: command line corconverter error in Windows 7 64 bit

            encoder settings ' -codec="Windows Media Audio 9.2" -settings=" 16 kbps, 16 kHz, mono CBR"'
            encoder settings ' -codec="Windows Media Audio 9.2" -settings="16 kbps, 16 kHz, mono CBR"'

            Not the same


            • willbelair
              • May 2009
              • 8

              Re: command line corconverter error in Windows 7 64 bit

              Yes you are right Spoon. I missed the syntax, will be careful next time. Thank you for your time.


