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AccurateRip and dMC A/I Config Issues

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  • ScorLibran

    • Jul 2003
    • 6

    AccurateRip and dMC A/I Config Issues

    I've got a few things I ran into using dMC (r10beta7) Audio CD Input configuration options and AccurateRip. And I've already looked through the FAQs and used search to find answers, which I have for some's what I have outstanding...

    First, I configured AccurateRip by trying CDs from the A/R key disc database, and happened upon the right pressings of Avril Lavigne's "Let Go" and The Beatles "White Album, Disc 2". +116 read offset correction for my drive (same as EAC reported)...everything's dandy.

    Then, (here's where I screwed everything up) I tried to "reset" AccurateRip because I didn't think my results were actually being submitted (because a file on my desktop that was created to submit results was a *.bin file, and I didn't know what to do with it...XP Home didn't want to run it). I'm really hoping to help out with adding to the A/R database, so I wanted to be sure the submission part worked.

    ** On a side note, I really like the way AccurateRip automatically checks against the A/R database for reference discs. It beats EAC's procedure of having to manually look at pressing ID's on each disc, NONE of which matched on mine even though I had at least 20 or so matching titles, and ending up simply trying each one anyway until I got lucky. **

    --1-- After I reset AccurateRip, I rebooted (just to be safe), started dMC Audio CD Input, and inserted Avril Lavigne's "Let Go", since I *knew* that it was a valid key disc of the right pressing. And nothing happened. I tried re-inserting it several times...freedb automatically did its thing each time, but no message from AccurateRip saying it recognizes the disc. So I try the "White Album, Disc 2" again, and it knows that one, so it determines an offset, asks for a second key disc. Dido "No Angel" ends up making it happy with a matching offset result, so I'm back in business. Just wondering what happened with Avril Lavigne's album. Does the AccurateRip key CD database change dynamically, and some previously confirmed key discs are removed for some reason?

    --2-- A weird thing on the Audio CD Input options window...the check boxes are "offset". When you click on one, it toggles the box above it. To change an option, oddly enough, you have to move down maybe an inch on the screen and left-click to change the box an inch above. I can't toggle "Slow Ripping" at all, because I'd have to click over the OK button, which ends up closing the window instead :(

    --3-- I'm getting an error at the very end of every CD rip, including the test conversion with the second key CD (as requested by AccurateRip). I've tried four or five discs so far, with the following info popping up in an error dialog:

    AppName: musicconverter.exe
    ModName: cda.dll
    Offset: 000e6fb

    When I clicked on the error details button, it brought up a window with practically hundreds of pages of error info, with most of it being a hex map of perhaps the whole executable(?). If that info is needed, I'm sure I can reproduce it and send it in.

    --4-- After I closed the error window, my Accurate Rip results dialog says that on Dido's "No Angel" rip (test conversion actually) tracks 1 through 6 and 8 through 11 were accurately ripped, but that track 7 is not present in the database :confused: and track 12 was cancelled by the user (the one I got the previously discussed error on).

    Any help would be greatly appreciated! Most or all of these items are probably because of some things I've set improperly or overlooked...wouldn't be the first time :rolleyes:
    Last edited by ScorLibran; July 07, 2003, 07:45 PM.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44840

    Which Windows Version do you have?


    • ScorLibran

      • Jul 2003
      • 6

      Windows XP Home
      Version 5.1 (Build 2600)
      Service Pack 1


      • RossRoy
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • May 2003
        • 403

        I've been able to reproduce the problem with the Audio CD Options Screen.. The checkboxes ARE offset. If I want to uncheck the first box, I have to click just under the freedb server address text box. I am running WinXP Pro SP1 (fully updated).


        • ScorLibran

          • Jul 2003
          • 6

          I wonder if there's a Service Pack 2 for XP yet? And if so, if it'll make a difference with the interface issue? I haven't checked for one, but I will tonight when I get a chance.

          To update my original problem, I received a rejection :cry: from after I tried to upload the info on the Dido album. I tried sending it since I was getting a message all of the sudden saying that the CD was not in their database. The rejection e-mail was unfortunately deleted by accident when I also deleted by accident *everything else* in my inbox... :headbang:

          But basically, the message said that there was an error on the reported offset of track #7 on the disc, the one that AccurateRip also said it couldn't recognize. I wonder if that could have had anything to do with my drives read offset? But then again, it's the same offset # reported by EAC, so I trusted it to be right since I was getting the same number from two trusted extraction tools.

          Anyway, I don't know if any of that matters...thought I'd share it just in case it helps with diagnosis...


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44840

            The problem with checkboxes has been fixed (for next beta).

            If EAC gives an offest and dMC gives the same offset then it is pretty much that offset.

            >but that track 7 is not present

            The database must have contained conflicting results, or the person did not rip that track.

            About the crashing, what make of CD drive is it?

            The database is dynamic, so when you rip a disc it is added to the results (if your results conflict with what is there then the existing can be nulled out, if only 1 user submitted those results).


            • ScorLibran

              • Jul 2003
              • 6

              Thanks for upcoming fix in the next beta...I look forward to using it. That part of the issue is not a showstopper for me. The only option I can't change is slow ripping mode, and I don't need to change that anyway.

              About what you're saying concerning the "track rejection" being a data conflict in the database, I kinda figured that since it's never happened with any of my other discs.

              My drive's a Toshiba SD-R6012 DVD-RW (in a Sony VAIO GRX670 notebook PC).

              And in case it matters, I am running the ASPI driver usually required for secure mode ripping. Here's the info on it...

              Provider: VOB Computersysteme GmbH
              File version:
              Copyright: (c) 1997-2001 by VOB Computersysteme GmbH
              Digital signer: Not digitally signed


              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44840

                Are you able to try Adaptecs ASPI? also make sure 'slow ripping' is switched off.


                • ScorLibran

                  • Jul 2003
                  • 6

                  Originally posted by Spoon
                  Are you able to try Adaptecs ASPI? also make sure 'slow ripping' is switched off.
                  I'm right in the middle of ripping a batch of CDs, but as soon as I'm done (in a few days) I'll download and install the Adaptec ASPI driver.

                  As for turning off slow ripping, I can't click on the option because of the GUI/pointer offset issue. Is there a hot key I can use to do it? Or if not, an estimated release date for the next dMC beta?

                  And by the way, thanks for all your work on this, and for creating such a great product set to compliment and tie together all of the different DAE tools out there! I haven't seen anyone else working on a product that can manage an audio library, create and edit dynamic playlists, provide secure ripping, convert extracted audio to almost any format, and play almost any format as well.



                  • Spoon
                    • Apr 2002
                    • 44840

                    I am working hard at the moment on taking AccurateRip and making it transportable (so other programs can participate), I should have a beta test of the next dMC in 2 weeks tops.

