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what are the id3v2 frames names for the extra tags

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  • pwatel

    • Feb 2012
    • 3

    what are the id3v2 frames names for the extra tags

    I rip to wav or aif and decide to include as extra tags ,such as instrument period etc what frame id are they assigned to so I can read them later on
    do you have a complete list of id3v2 custom frames you use for extra fields?
    thank you
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44825

    Re: what are the id3v2 frames names for the extra tags

    They would go in a TXXX frame which allows any value.


    • pwatel

      • Feb 2012
      • 3

      Re: what are the id3v2 frames names for the extra tags

      Yes but to find things in the TXXX frames one has to know the description or the label of the thing

      for example if I scan the tag header
      for period I can read "iod"
      for instrument I can read "trument"

      but I would love a list of the description from the all the TXXX you use , so I can be compatible

      I am sure somewhere in the software development department they have it:smile2:
      Thank you and regards
      Mr. Spoon
      Last edited by pwatel; February 29, 2012, 08:20 AM.

