Can music convertor automatically add metadata (artist & song)? How?
Or must everything entered manually?
Yes if info is in the tags of the files from which you are converting. Is the info in original files (or can it be determined from file and directory names)
So if I understand you correctly it is not possible to automatically add metadata if this wasn't present in the converting files?
that is my understanding. But if your files are organized/named with enough info, you can use that to automatically fill in tags.
e.g., if directory structure is:
and the tracks are named something like:
01 - Lilly, Rosemary, and the Jack of Hearts
and this is in the Artist = Bob Dylan directory and Album = Blood on the Tracks directory
then you could use the file name and directory location to enter artist, album, track name, and track number into the tags for this file (in a batch way for your entire collection).