Got an interesting one for you all. I have just installed DMC including the free power pack trial (I am on day 3)Its ripped about 5 of my cd's no prbs, then suddenly comes up with the following error...on loading
"The Table of Contents appears to be damaged, would you like to repair it by reentering track length" The first time this appeared I clicked yes..I then recieved the message that a "CDGrab.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close."
The error details are as follows:
AppName: cdgrab.exe AppVer: ModName: msvcrt.dll
ModVer: 7.0.2600.0 Offset: 0002eff9
Anyway here is what I have tried to fix the problem.. Removed all cd's and reloaded dmc audio cd .. error still occured. even with no cd in the drive. It displays a wierd track list behind the error messages.
I uninstalled and reinstalled DMC - error still occurs.
I searched and deleted all DMC reg entries - and then resintalled this actually worked. however the error has since reoccured. So I tried deleting just the Cd grab reg entries, reinstall, still producing an error.
Anyway I give up....I know that the error is caused by a dodgy cd drive eading cd's that are fine... however perhaps reloading the program should clear the old track list or memory or whatever to prevent this recurring error
Any tips guys
"The Table of Contents appears to be damaged, would you like to repair it by reentering track length" The first time this appeared I clicked yes..I then recieved the message that a "CDGrab.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close."
The error details are as follows:
AppName: cdgrab.exe AppVer: ModName: msvcrt.dll
ModVer: 7.0.2600.0 Offset: 0002eff9
Anyway here is what I have tried to fix the problem.. Removed all cd's and reloaded dmc audio cd .. error still occured. even with no cd in the drive. It displays a wierd track list behind the error messages.
I uninstalled and reinstalled DMC - error still occurs.
I searched and deleted all DMC reg entries - and then resintalled this actually worked. however the error has since reoccured. So I tried deleting just the Cd grab reg entries, reinstall, still producing an error.
Anyway I give up....I know that the error is caused by a dodgy cd drive eading cd's that are fine... however perhaps reloading the program should clear the old track list or memory or whatever to prevent this recurring error
Any tips guys