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The longer duration when converting m4u (apple type) to mp3 (lame vrb)

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  • donalduck0304

    • Jan 2012
    • 2

    The longer duration when converting m4u (apple type) to mp3 (lame vrb)

    Hi guys,

    I have a problem with the converting m4u (apple type) to mp3 lame. My setting for mp3 lame is v2, encoding = slow (high quality). And when the conversion is finished, things seem to be very good. The duration appears exactly same to the original's when I point onto the converted song. However, when I play it on Window Media Player, I see that the duration of the song being longer.

    What can I do right now?

    Thanks in advance
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44825

    Re: The longer duration when converting m4u (apple type) to mp3 (lame vrb)

    Microsoft is unable to read the VBR header which contains the correct length of the mp3 file, which is quite a poor show on MS.


    • donalduck0304

      • Jan 2012
      • 2

      Re: The longer duration when converting m4u (apple type) to mp3 (lame vrb)

      Originally posted by Spoon
      Microsoft is unable to read the VBR header which contains the correct length of the mp3 file, which is quite a poor show on MS.
      That is not quite right. The Mp3 VBR that I download from scene rip like XXL or MOD can be displayed very well on Window Media Player regarding to its duration.

      Let me take an example of my problem. I have a m4a track with duration being 4:00. When I convert it by db, then look at it over mediainfo, the duration is still 4:00. However, when I play it by Window Media Player, the duration now displays 5:00 (for example). I know that the real duration is still 4:00. That's why when I press forward to the 4:01 to 5:00, it has nothing, and turns back to the beginning of the track. I don't see this prob with other VBR mp3 that I had before. They all display so well on WMP


      • dbfan
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Jan 2011
        • 937

        Re: The longer duration when converting m4u (apple type) to mp3 (lame vrb)

        WMP might read some VBR files correctly, but that does not mean it can read all correctly, especially as lame is possibly the most used mp3 encoder, that is why it is a poor show. ITunes, footer, J River, media monkey do no have this issue.

