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Rip as one file

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  • Kristie

    Rip as one file

    I have some files that contain two or three, sometimes four parts of a speech. I'd like to have them all in one file. So what I do is, burn them to audio CD in sequence and then use your program to rip them back to the hard drive as one file.

    Is there any way of achieving this end without having to burn them first to CD?? Is there a conversion option that would allow me to select and save a sequence of files into one??

    Or is this a silly question?
  • RossRoy
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • May 2003
    • 403

    Well you could use an audio editor software to join your files. Try Cool Edit (commercial) or Audacity (freeware).

    But the solution you propose is viable, I'd recommend doing it on CD ReWritable so as to not waste a disc


    • RossRoy
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • May 2003
      • 403

      Or is this a silly question?
      Oh and I am a strong believer that there is no silly questions, so ask away! :happy:


      • Kristie

        mp3 splitting and joining

        Thank you. I am having a look at your programs now. I also found another cool looking one here:

        I wonder if such a feature could be incorporated into dbPowerAMP Music Converter or maybe that would be too complex?

        Have a nice day!



        • RossRoy
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • May 2003
          • 403


          Looks good. It would definitely do want you need, although I am not sure I'd be willing to pay for a software that only joins or splits MP3, especially when you can have a full featured sound editor, which allow you better control over the joining (making sure there are no cuts at the joining point for example).


          • Razgo
            • Apr 2002
            • 2532

            in theory I don't see why file splitting and joining can't be done in dap.

            of course this is only a theory as i am no coder. Spoon would have to decide if it's a nightmare to do or not as he is the developer/coder.

            my theory is:

            in dmc "audio cd input" this feature is already there. you can select several music files off the cd and join whatever you want to join in the rip as one feature. and pre play it before you rip it.

            in essence isn't this just like loading any music file? i mean the cd doesn't actually do anything as it's the code that does all the work. all the cd does is play the file and the code does the rest.

            so why can't the audio cd input be used to load an mp3/ogg or whatever music file off the hard drive instead of the cd drive and do the same thing?

            of course this would make the "PowerPack" have nitro/turbo boosters on it :D

            in my theory dmc audio cd input would simply have the extra feature of "where" it looks for the file instead of cd only.


            • RossRoy
              dBpoweramp Guru

              • May 2003
              • 403

              Originally posted by Razgo
              in theory I don't see why file splitting and joining can't be done in dap.
              I agree with your theory. But, if I understand how everything works (reading CD vs Ogg/MP3/Wav/Whatever) you can ask the CD reader to read from sector 1000 to sector 30000 and the CD reader outputs everything as one long stream, whereas for Ogg, each file is handled as a different stream.

              And actually, if you make a precheck of all origin files and are sure they were encoded with all the same settings, I don't see why the software couldn't just read every file, one after another, as if it was one long file.

              Spoon can probably help us much better on that


              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44825

                It requires an idea of how the file is stored and very specific code to join files together - each codec would have to be tackled seperately (no something I want to do).


                • Razgo
                  • Apr 2002
                  • 2532

                  my theory is about going around/avoiding interperting the actual file.


                  if i start "auxiliary input" and start an ogg music file playing in dap and use sound blaster live feature "what you hear" i can record and join/split files in this manner.

                  in other words if some how the above can be done withhin the software itself all in one location? play and record.

                  in other words in my "imaginary world" i would do the following.

                  start "audio cd input" -->options-->play and record-->select drive/folder/files-->

                  at this stage i have 3 tracks loaded. i tick all 3 tracks then select "rip as one". and here i would adjust and play/test were i want the recording to start and end.

                  then i would click play which would bring up a record button/option so when i press record it would simply start playing what i have selected and start recording it at the same time.

                  kind of like a cross between "auxiliary input" and "audio cd input".

                  it might be tricky to do but should be less hassle than trying to interperate the ogg/wav/mp3 file as there would be no interpertation and the end file/result can be an improvement on the original anyway if that's the desired effect.

                  did i make any sense?


                  • Razgo
                    • Apr 2002
                    • 2532

                    and by the way, because i like to name theories i have called this one "further advanced recording tones". but to keep it short i call it F.A.R.T :happy:

