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Need Help!!!!!

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  • poolshark2014

    • Dec 2011
    • 1

    Need Help!!!!!

    I'm running Windows 7. My problem is after installing DBPoweramp my settings get hijacked by this program. What I mean is that I have several .MP4 video files that used to display the Resolution,Audio Bit Rate,Data Bit Rate and so on and now all it shows when highlighted is ALBUM ARTIST,CONTRIBUTING ARTIST,ALBUM,RATING,GENRE,MOOD,COMPOSERS,CONDUCTOR S, AND SO ON.How can I make my Video Files go back to the way they were before installing DbPoweramp? I have tried to completely uninstall DbPoweramp using the tools here from SPOON but that doesn't work at all.I can't restore my laptop to an earlier version since I don't have that option enabled.It basically shows the Audio info of the Video Files but nothing in regards to the Video data. I hate to have to redo my laptop. Any help would be greatly appreciated.The only thing that the video file shows is Size,Length and Channel info.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44825

    Re: Need Help!!!!!

    Where were these settings shown? when you hover the mouse over a file, or when the file is selected, at the bottom of explorer?

