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Converting to lesser rate versus lost of quality

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    Converting to lesser rate versus lost of quality

    I recently got a new Archos HD portable (which isn't too bad with the Rockbox firmware ) but I have many more gigabytes of music than I had fit on the little hard drive.

    Many of the songs are at 192kb or even 256kb, but from experimenting with the Archos and good ear buds, which is what I use with the unit, I find that the songs I have at 128kb sound just fine to my older ears.

    I know each time I convert an MP3 I lose a little quality due to the process. I also know that when I convert from 192kb or 256kb to 128kb I also lose quality. My question is, are those quality losses additive in this case, or would the convertion quality loss be part of the loss going to the lower sampling rate?
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44840

    Really it is a bit of both, you might find if you encode to 128Kbps Average bit rate they sound just as good.

