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New Protection? EVERCLEAR "slow motion daydream"

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  • McDougall

    New Protection? EVERCLEAR "slow motion daydream"

    I have a friend that I hooked up with dBpowerAMP for CD ripping a while back. (he sent me some screenshots)

    He say's dBpowerAMP see's no songiles on this new CD (EVERCLEAR "slow motion daydream"), and the only thing on his system that will play the music is Windows Media Player 9 which lists the music files with some odd naming structure (maybe it's normal - I don't uses Media player)

    Under the "FILENAME" column in the media libray of media player, the files look like:
    (and so on)

    Browsing the CD you can only cd:
    A folder named: FILES
    AN executable named: PLAY

    In the files folder is three video files (I believe).

    Anyway, he's going to try and get the original CD to me tonight so I can check it out.... Just through I'd go ahead and see if anyone knows anything about this one.

  • McDougall

    Oh that sucks - I was going to go back and edit my bad spelling mistakes and I noticed my account has been deleted (registered last x-mas).

    oh well


    • Razgo
      • Apr 2002
      • 2532

      your account would not have been deleted. i think worse case scenario is that the server may have been hacked and when we went to a previous backup, it might have been before you regestired.

      what make you think it was deleted?


      • McDougall

        because it doesn't recognize my email address...

        I still have a copy of the registration email, so I know I'm not crazy.

        I was just assuming it was deleted for inactivity or something.


        • Razgo
          • Apr 2002
          • 2532

          i'm not sure what you mean. you log in with username and password. can you tell me what the username is that was sent out to your email you have kept, and i will have a look for it.

          it might be still in the database but not activated yet.


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44825

            If it is possible to rip the cd select Options Menu >> Audio CD Parameters and enter the track lengths manually (possibly setting a ms offset at the start).

