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Zero-padding of [track]

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  • amalgam

    • Jul 2010
    • 22

    Zero-padding of [track]

    Sorry if this has been asked and answered. I couldn't find it in the forum. I even googled a bit, and went through the configuration trying to find the answer to this question.
    I have a l-o-n-g Various Artists mix of 105 tracks. If I use the [track] - [artist] - [title] dynamic naming scheme, it will generate files starting with 01, 02, ..., 99, 100, 101, ..., 105.

    That will get the track order out of whack. Any way I write a dynamic naming scheme to make it 001, 002, ... 105?
    Since most of my albums' track count is in the double or single digit range - anyway I can set things up once properly so that it will just work, whatever the track count may be?
  • dbfan
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Jan 2011
    • 937

    Re: Zero-padding of [track]

    CDs can only have 99 tracks maximum hence why you will not find a padding option for two zeros, you could do it manually.


    • amalgam

      • Jul 2010
      • 22

      Re: Zero-padding of [track]

      I see. It's not an album, but a workout/high-bmp mix I bought online.
      Will you, please, consider adding this feature in a future releases? Something like a padding function, where you select if it should be left or right align (maybe two functions) and the padding character?


      • BrodyBoy
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Sep 2011
        • 779

        Re: Zero-padding of [track]

        You could easily run the collection through a tag editor that will do that for you.


        • jhren

          • May 2010
          • 3

          Re: Zero-padding of [track]

          Try [SETLEN]3,48,,[track][] in place of [track]...

