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Multi-Encoder not working properly?

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  • Broken Hope

    • Aug 2011
    • 7

    Multi-Encoder not working properly?

    Is the Multi-Encoder supposed to work from the right click Convert to menu? I set Multi-Encoder as the codec, select Nero AAC and Lame MP3 as the codecs and tell it to convert 1 of my Flac files and it finishes in around 1 second and produces 2 tiny files roughly 60KB in size.

    Any ideas why this isn't working properly? I'm using 14.2 Reference.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44824

    Re: Multi-Encoder not working properly?

    Make sure you have no DSP effects running (on the Music Converter Page, and Multi-Encoder Page).


    • Broken Hope

      • Aug 2011
      • 7

      Re: Multi-Encoder not working properly?

      I have no DSP effects running on either page. I've tried having each encoder output to a separate folder, though that shouldn't matter since the file extension will be different for each file. I've tried outputting to the default Music folder.

      Still not working properly.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44824

        Re: Multi-Encoder not working properly?

        And if you do not use multi-encoder (to either of the formats) it works, try Nero AAC as this one you have to extra installing to get working.


        • Broken Hope

          • Aug 2011
          • 7

          Re: Multi-Encoder not working properly?

          Both formats work perfectly separately, just not with the multi-encoder.

          Doesn't seem to matter which codecs I'm choosing, just done a test with Flac and Wave selected, still exits after a second and produces 2 tiny files in the output folder.


          Screenshot of it converting to Nero AAC.

          Last edited by Broken Hope; August 09, 2011, 03:39 PM.


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44824

            Re: Multi-Encoder not working properly?

            Try mulit-encoder with only Wave encoder within.


            • Broken Hope

              • Aug 2011
              • 7

              Re: Multi-Encoder not working properly?

              Still not working.

              Settings for the Multi-Encoder

              The file that is produced.

              I tried disabling my Anti virus with no change in behaviour.
              Last edited by Broken Hope; August 09, 2011, 05:14 PM.


              • Broken Hope

                • Aug 2011
                • 7

                Re: Multi-Encoder not working properly?

                Just adding some debug data if that helps at all

                Conversion that fails.

                Splitting Command Line:Done
                ->->  [dBCoreConverter::ReaddBCommandFile]
                <-<-  [dBCoreConverter::ReaddBCommandFile]
                ->->  [cldBCodecHandler::FindDecoder]
                    Checking Decoder 'D:\Stuff\Misc\dBpoweramp\decoder\FLAC.dll' for extension '.flac'
                Decodes  [clDecoder::Get]
                  <<< Match, using decoder
                  Using Registry Cached Decoder: D:\Stuff\Misc\dBpoweramp\decoder\FLAC.dll
                <-<-  [cldBCodecHandler::FindDecoder]
                BatchID  [clDecoder::Set]
                ->->  [cldBCodecHandler::LoadEncoder]
                  Loading Encoder 'D:\Stuff\Misc\dBpoweramp\encoder\[Multi Encoder].DLL'
                <-<-  [cldBCodecHandler::LoadEncoder]
                BatchID  [clEncoder::Set]
                ->->  [dBCoreConverter::StripCoreConverterCmds]
                <-<-  [dBCoreConverter::StripCoreConverterCmds]
                SendRawUnCompressed  [clEncoder::Get]
                Communicate  [clDecoder::Get]
                Communicate  [clEncoder::Get]
                NeedHQAudio  [clEncoder::Get]
                ->->  [clDecoder::Open]
                  Opening file 'D:\Music\Eminem\The Slim Shady LP\Eminem - My Name Is.flac' for read access: Opened
                  Init FLAC: 
                  Reading Meta Data: 
                   contained 7 tags:
                			Artist: Eminem
                			Title: My Name Is
                			Album: The Slim Shady LP
                			Genre: Hip-Hop/Rap
                			Year: 1999
                			Track: 2
                			album artist: Eminem
                  Contains picture block, size (bytes): 118977 type: 3
                  ->->  [clDecoder::ReadIDTags]
                  <-<-  [clDecoder::ReadIDTags]
                  ->->  [clDecoder::FillAudioProps]
                	Encoder: FLAC reference libFLAC 1.2.1 20070917
                	Sample Count: 11,836,440
                	ID Tag: Vorbis Comments
                	Contains: Album Art, CRC, ID Tag [Vorbis Comments]
                  <-<-  [clDecoder::FillAudioProps]
                  ->->  [clDecoder::FillAudioInfo]
                    Uncompressed WFX (sent to db): Format Tag: 1  Channels: 2  Bits per Sample: 16  Samples Per Second: 44100  Bytes Per Second: 176400  Block Align: 4  CB Size: 0
                    Audio Length: 268400 mili-seconds  27688942 bytes  1411 kbps
                  <-<-  [clDecoder::FillAudioInfo]
                  Creating Decode Buffers: Created
                <-<-  [clDecoder::Open]
                SendOverReplayGainTags  [clEncoder::Get]
                ->->  [clEncoder::BeginConversion]
                  Converting to 'D:\Music\Eminem\The Slim Shady LP\Eminem - My Name Is.IGNORE' encoder settings ' -enc1="m4a Nero (AAC)= -cli_encoder={mqt}D:\Stuff\Misc\dBpoweramp\encoder\m4a Nero (AAC)\neroAacEnc.exe{mqt} -cli_cmd={mqt}-q .5 -ignorelength -if - -of {qt}[outfile]{qt}{mqt} -selection={mqt}0,5,0{mqt}" -encMopt1=" -tofolder={mqt}D:\Stuff\Misc\Converted Music\{mqt}" -enc2="mp3 (Lame)=-V 2" -encMopt2=" -tofolder={mqt}D:\Stuff\Misc\Converted Music\{mqt}"'
                  Encoder 1: m4a Nero (AAC), settings ' -cli_encoder="D:\Stuff\Misc\dBpoweramp\encoder\m4a Nero (AAC)\neroAacEnc.exe" -cli_cmd="-q .5 -ignorelength -if - -of {qt}[outfile]{qt}" -selection="0,5,0"', encoder options ' -tofolder="D:\Stuff\Misc\Converted Music\"', output filename:D:\Stuff\Misc\Converted Music\Eminem - My Name Is.m4a
                  Encoder 2: mp3 (Lame), settings '-V 2', encoder options ' -tofolder="D:\Stuff\Misc\Converted Music\"', output filename:D:\Stuff\Misc\Converted Music\Eminem - My Name Is.mp3
                <-<-  [clEncoder::BeginConversion]
                Communicate  [clDecoder::Get]
                Communicate  [clEncoder::Get]
                Encoding To: [Multi Encoder]
                Encoder Cmd Line:  -enc1="m4a Nero (AAC)= -cli_encoder={mqt}D:\Stuff\Misc\dBpoweramp\encoder\m4a Nero (AAC)\neroAacEnc.exe{mqt} -cli_cmd={mqt}-q .5 -ignorelength -if - -of {qt}[outfile]{qt}{mqt} -selection={mqt}0,5,0{mqt}" -encMopt1=" -tofolder={mqt}D:\Stuff\Misc\Converted Music\{mqt}" -enc2="mp3 (Lame)=-V 2" -encMopt2=" -tofolder={mqt}D:\Stuff\Misc\Converted Music\{mqt}"
                DSP Effects:
                    _MultiEncoder (non-live): 
                ============= CONVERSION BEGIN =============
                ============= CONVERSION END =============
                Communicate  [clDecoder::Get]
                Communicate  [clEncoder::Get]
                ->->  [dBCoreConverter::CloseDecoder]
                ->->  [clDecoder::Close]
                <-<-  [clDecoder::Close]
                ->->  [clEncoder::EndConversion]
                <-<-  [clEncoder::EndConversion]
                  File Size Check : 0 bytes   Filename: D:\Music\Eminem\The Slim Shady LP\Eminem - My Name Is.IGNORE
                  Multi-FileNames Reported Back to CoreConverter:
                  D:\Stuff\Misc\Converted Music\Eminem - My Name Is.m4a
                  D:\Stuff\Misc\Converted Music\Eminem - My Name Is.mp3
                Communicate  [clDecoder::Get]
                Communicate  [clEncoder::Get]
                ->->  [clDecoder::Close]
                <-<-  [clDecoder::Close]
                Conversion that Succeeds.

                Splitting Command Line:Done
                ->->  [dBCoreConverter::ReaddBCommandFile]
                <-<-  [dBCoreConverter::ReaddBCommandFile]
                ->->  [cldBCodecHandler::FindDecoder]
                    Checking Decoder 'D:\Stuff\Misc\dBpoweramp\decoder\FLAC.dll' for extension '.flac'
                Decodes  [clDecoder::Get]
                  <<< Match, using decoder
                  Using Registry Cached Decoder: D:\Stuff\Misc\dBpoweramp\decoder\FLAC.dll
                <-<-  [cldBCodecHandler::FindDecoder]
                BatchID  [clDecoder::Set]
                ->->  [cldBCodecHandler::LoadEncoder]
                  Loading Encoder 'D:\Stuff\Misc\dBpoweramp\encoder\m4a Nero (AAC).DLL'
                <-<-  [cldBCodecHandler::LoadEncoder]
                BatchID  [clEncoder::Set]
                ->->  [dBCoreConverter::StripCoreConverterCmds]
                <-<-  [dBCoreConverter::StripCoreConverterCmds]
                SendRawUnCompressed  [clEncoder::Get]
                Communicate  [clDecoder::Get]
                Communicate  [clEncoder::Get]
                NeedHQAudio  [clEncoder::Get]
                Decode As  [clDecoder::Set]
                ->->  [clDecoder::Open]
                  Opening file 'D:\Music\Eminem\The Slim Shady LP\Eminem - My Name Is.flac' for read access: Opened
                  Init FLAC: 
                  Reading Meta Data: 
                   contained 7 tags:
                			Artist: Eminem
                			Title: My Name Is
                			Album: The Slim Shady LP
                			Genre: Hip-Hop/Rap
                			Year: 1999
                			Track: 2
                			album artist: Eminem
                  Contains picture block, size (bytes): 118977 type: 3
                  ->->  [clDecoder::ReadIDTags]
                  <-<-  [clDecoder::ReadIDTags]
                  ->->  [clDecoder::FillAudioProps]
                	Encoder: FLAC reference libFLAC 1.2.1 20070917
                	Sample Count: 11,836,440
                	ID Tag: Vorbis Comments
                	Contains: Album Art, CRC, ID Tag [Vorbis Comments]
                  <-<-  [clDecoder::FillAudioProps]
                  ->->  [clDecoder::FillAudioInfo]
                    Uncompressed WFX (sent to db): Format Tag: 1  Channels: 2  Bits per Sample: 16  Samples Per Second: 44100  Bytes Per Second: 176400  Block Align: 4  CB Size: 0
                    Audio Length: 268400 mili-seconds  27688942 bytes  1411 kbps
                  <-<-  [clDecoder::FillAudioInfo]
                  Creating Decode Buffers: Created
                <-<-  [clDecoder::Open]
                SendOverReplayGainTags  [clEncoder::Get]
                ->->  [clEncoder::BeginConversion]
                  Converting to 'D:\Stuff\Misc\Converted Music\Eminem\The Slim Shady LP\Eminem - My Name Is.m4a' encoder settings ' -cli_encoder="D:\Stuff\Misc\dBpoweramp\encoder\m4a Nero (AAC)\neroAacEnc.exe" -cli_cmd="-q .5 -ignorelength -if - -of {qt}[outfile]{qt}" -selection="0,5,0"'
                  Using Encoder 'D:\Stuff\Misc\dBpoweramp\encoder\m4a Nero (AAC)\neroAacEnc.exe'
                  Command Line '-q .5 -ignorelength -if - -of "D:\Stuff\Misc\CONVER~1\Eminem\THESLI~1\EMINEM~1.M4A"'
                  Input Wave Format:Format Tag: 1  Channels: 2  Bits per Sample: 16  Samples Per Second: 44100  Bytes Per Second: 176400  Block Align: 4  CB Size: 0
                  Output Wave Format:Format Tag: 1  Channels: 2  Bits per Sample: 16  Samples Per Second: 44100  Bytes Per Second: 176400  Block Align: 4  CB Size: 0
                  Passing Wave Header: Yes
                  Using StdInput Pipe: Yes
                  dBpoweramp Writing Tags: Yes
                <-<-  [clEncoder::BeginConversion]
                Communicate  [clDecoder::Get]
                Communicate  [clEncoder::Get]
                Encoding To: m4a Nero (AAC)
                Encoder Cmd Line:  -cli_encoder="D:\Stuff\Misc\dBpoweramp\encoder\m4a Nero (AAC)\neroAacEnc.exe" -cli_cmd="-q .5 -ignorelength -if - -of {qt}[outfile]{qt}" -selection="0,5,0"
                ============= CONVERSION BEGIN =============
                ============= CONVERSION END =============
                Communicate  [clDecoder::Get]
                Communicate  [clEncoder::Get]
                ->->  [dBCoreConverter::CloseDecoder]
                ->->  [clDecoder::Close]
                <-<-  [clDecoder::Close]
                ->->  [clEncoder::EndConversion]
                  Running program after conversion 'D:\Stuff\Misc\dBpoweramp\encoder\m4a Nero (AAC)\' Command Line: 
                  Program completed
                <-<-  [clEncoder::EndConversion]
                  File Size Check : 5355088 bytes   Filename: D:\Stuff\Misc\Converted Music\Eminem\The Slim Shady LP\Eminem - My Name Is.m4a
                  File Size Check (before ID Tags Written): 5355088 bytes   Filename: D:\Stuff\Misc\Converted Music\Eminem\The Slim Shady LP\Eminem - My Name Is.m4a
                  ->->  [dBCoreConverter::IDTagWriter]
                    ->->  [cldBCodecHandler::FindDecoder]
                        Checking Decoder 'D:\Stuff\Misc\dBpoweramp\decoder\m4a.dll' for extension '.m4a'
                Decodes  [clDecoder::Get]
                      <<< Match, using decoder
                      Using Registry Cached Decoder: D:\Stuff\Misc\dBpoweramp\decoder\m4a.dll
                    <-<-  [cldBCodecHandler::FindDecoder]
                IDTags  [clDecoder::Set]
                  <-<-  [dBCoreConverter::IDTagWriter]
                ->->  [clDecoder::Close]
                <-<-  [clDecoder::Close]
                Communicate  [clDecoder::Get]
                Communicate  [clEncoder::Get]
                  Conversion completed in 6.9 seconds x38 realtime encoding
                  File Size Check (core converter exit): 5476349 bytes   Filename: D:\Stuff\Misc\Converted Music\Eminem\The Slim Shady LP\Eminem - My Name Is.m4a
                ->->  [clDecoder::Close]
                <-<-  [clDecoder::Close]


                • Spoon
                  • Apr 2002
                  • 44824

                  Re: Multi-Encoder not working properly?

                  Have a look in the folder:

                  C:\Program Files\Illustrate\dBpoweramp\DSPs

                  there is a file:




                  • Broken Hope

                    • Aug 2011
                    • 7

                    Re: Multi-Encoder not working properly?

                    I've not installed dBpoweramp into the default location, but no, there's no _MultiEncoder in the DSP folder, should there be? I'm running beta 8 of the DSP plugins.


                    • Spoon
                      • Apr 2002
                      • 44824

                      Re: Multi-Encoder not working properly?

                      Yes, try reinstalling the multi-encoder


                      • Broken Hope

                        • Aug 2011
                        • 7

                        Re: Multi-Encoder not working properly?

                        That fixed the problem, no idea why that file wasn't present.

