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batch convert FLAC to MP3

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  • jonnyevo

    • Apr 2011
    • 28

    batch convert FLAC to MP3


    i have a large number of flac files (the large majority ripped using dbpoweramp, although there are some 24bit flac file downloads too) on an external hard drive, and would like to know if it is possible to batch convert the whole hard disk in one process from flac to mp3...

    if i were to connect another external hard disk and select it as the destination folder for the conversion, would i be able to do this using the first external hard disk as the source (and as before, do it in one go?).

    or would i need to select each album folder (which contains artwork jpeg's and the cd ripper text file as well as the actual flac files) and do it 'manually' one by one?

    the other (downloaded, and not created in dbpoweramp) flac files are in album folders with artwork jpeg's and pdf documents too...

    would dmc music converter be able to convert ALL of these flac file (folders) in one go to mp3 - from one external hard disk to another? if so how do i do this please?

    and finally, if i were to format the destination (external) disk in FAT32 mode, would these converted files be transferrable to itunes on BOTH PC AND MAC computers? or would there be a problem using a mac with the text/jpeg/pdf files that are also in with the -PC based- (original flac/resulting newly converted mp3) music files?

    basically, i want my pc based flac music files (lots of them - 600GB) which are on a PC formatted (NTFS) external hard disk available as mp3's on itunes on my mac (using a second FAT32 formatted external hard disk) - with the possibility of using these mp3's in future ALSO on itunes on a PC!!! AND i want an easy way of doing this - using batch convert...

    not asking for too much then!:D

    can anyone help me with this? or does anyone actually understand what i mean by all of this?:(

    i'm confused now.

    thanks for your help in advance,
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44825

    Re: batch convert FLAC to MP3

    Use Batch Converter, select the main folder and click convert. You would have to add the DSP effect 'Preserve folder.jpg' to keep those files. For naming set the main path to the 2nd HDD and:



    • jonnyevo

      • Apr 2011
      • 28

      Re: batch convert FLAC to MP3

      thanks for the reply.

      how do you mean 'main folder'?

      i have the 'artist' (artist name) folders ------- -about 900 of them- (inside these folders are about 1500 'album' (album name) subfolders - which contain the flac files) -------- in a main folder - 'shared music'.... is this 'shared music' folder what you are referring to as the 'main folder', or do you mean each 'artist' folder?

      thanks for your help. i am a bit of a newbie to all of this...

      I LOVE THIS SOFTWARE!!!!!!!!!:komisch12


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44825

        Re: batch convert FLAC to MP3

        Main folder is the main root folder, such as My Music


        • RonM
          dBpoweramp Enthusiast

          • Nov 2008
          • 105

          Re: batch convert FLAC to MP3

          I think the "parent" folder, the one within which all the music resides, is what you are looking for. Whether it is "My Music" or "Shared Music", whatever you call it.



          • jonnyevo

            • Apr 2011
            • 28

            Re: batch convert FLAC to MP3

            thanks for clearing that up for me.

            so this whole process is possible - amazing really...:D

            and as spoon mentioned, the metadata (track/artist/album)/artwork will also
            be preserved if i do as stated previously by spoon????

            thanks, and sorry to get you to repeat yourselves.



            • dbfan
              dBpoweramp Guru

              • Jan 2011
              • 937

              Re: batch convert FLAC to MP3

              Yes metadata is preserved

