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Batch converter problem

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  • jasont

    • May 2011
    • 4

    Batch converter problem

    I choose my files. Start to convert. Everything looks good. Encoding speed starts slowing down. Time remaining starts going up. Stops dead. Try to quit... have to end process and restart. Rinse and repeat.

    :komisch9: I wanted it to work like it should.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44825

    Re: Batch converter problem

    What are you converting from and to? where are the files stored? on the network?


    • jasont

      • May 2011
      • 4

      Re: Batch converter problem

      Going from .wav to 256 .mp3. I made a subfolder and named it conversions. So it's on the same hard drive and everything. Pretty fast dual core computer as well.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44825

        Re: Batch converter problem

        Try converting to 'Test Conversion' as a test, does that complete?


        • jasont

          • May 2011
          • 4

          Re: Batch converter problem

          No Spoon.

          It gets to the same 149th file and stops converting and adding more time.

          Now. Keep in mind that I've done this with different sections of the file list (476 .wav files) and with different amounts of files (ie. only choosing 120 or 136, etc.)


          • dbfan
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • Jan 2011
            • 937

            Re: Batch converter problem

            Do you have any security software? Which could be stopping dbpoweramp.


            • jasont

              • May 2011
              • 4

              Re: Batch converter problem

              No security software installed.


              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44825

                Re: Batch converter problem

                and you are only converting wave files, perhaps you have some files in the library which are causing issues, if you take one of the files which causes it to stop and try to convert the file on its own, does it work?


                • vincentx77

                  • Jun 2011
                  • 1

                  Re: Batch converter problem

                  I'm actually having a very similar issue with the music converter. I typically archive my music collection on my hdd in flac format and just use those files to create lossy copies when necessary. I change the songs on my android quite a bit, and I usually like to use the newest compression files. The current version of music converter is painfully slow for me. It seems to choke on files that it never had a problem with before. Don't get me wrong, it does complete everything, and the files it creates sound the way they're supposed to, but it takes at *least* 5 times long to complete the process now, no matter what codec I'm converting to (though I mainly use mp3 lame and AoTuv). It also slows my computer to a grinding halt. I looked at my CPU usage, and before, when the program worked faster, the CPU worked at ~100% on all cores (I run a Core 2 Quad @ 3.75GHz). Now, they sit between 15 to 20%. I tried turning of Kaspersky's, but that didn't do any good. Have you got any other suggestions? Thanks


                  • Spoon
                    • Apr 2002
                    • 44825

                    Re: Batch converter problem

                    Converting to a network share?

