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Music not converting

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  • logan1957

    • Sep 2009
    • 7

    Music not converting

    Hi, All;
    Have a very strange problem with the music convertor. Whenever I go to convert a song from MP3 to Wav format, the song appears to convert properly until I try to play it. Then I see that the song is 0 bytes in size and I have no idea as to what the heck is going on. Has anyone seen this before and if so how do we fix it.
  • xoas
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Apr 2002
    • 2662

    Re: Music not converting

    I've seen this before. Essentially what is happening in this case is that a conversion succeeds in establishing a shell for the converted file and then fails. You can scan your music collection to find any audio files with a file size of 0 bytes using Windows. This will help show you where the faulty files are.

    In terms of finding out what caused the problem, I would start by looking at the source files and what settings you were using for conversion. If you are changing the bitrate, number of channels, or bit setting in your conversion, make sure you are using the appropriate DSP settings to support those changes.

    Hope this helps.

    Best wishes,


    • logan1957

      • Sep 2009
      • 7

      Re: Music not converting

      Hi, Bill;
      I'm using the same settings I always use when converting MP3's to Wav files.
      When I go to convert my music files I'm set to CONVERT TO WAVE at the top of the program, then under compression I use:
      ATTRIBUTES: 18 k/Bit/sec, 11,025 Hz, Mono, 0 Kb/sec
      I've never had to worry about the DSP settings before so I'm completely confused as to what the heck has happened.


      • GiacomoGo
        dBpoweramp Enthusiast

        • Aug 2006
        • 50

        Re: Music not converting

        Have you tried using the "Music Converter Debug" option in the dBpoweramp configuration "Music Converter" tab?

        A while ago I used that successfully to identify some sort of strange option, like an invalid ID3 genre setting or such. But the debug route highlighted the problem.

        ... just wish there were more documentation ...
        (use the "?" Help feature on the dBpoweramp Configuration dialog.)

