I just installed the trial version of dbp (I have reference at home, this is on a different computer at my office). I tried to convert a wav file (a recording of voice) to mp3, and got the following error message:
Error converting to mp3 (Lame), 'C:\Documents and Settings\Ronm\Desktop\temp\A0000008.WAV' to 'C:\Documents and Settings\Ronm\Desktop\temp\A0000008.mp3'
Error Cannot Create Wave Decoder (CCITT A-Law)? [clWaveDecoder::PrepareToDecodeAudio]
What's the problem here?
Error converting to mp3 (Lame), 'C:\Documents and Settings\Ronm\Desktop\temp\A0000008.WAV' to 'C:\Documents and Settings\Ronm\Desktop\temp\A0000008.mp3'
Error Cannot Create Wave Decoder (CCITT A-Law)? [clWaveDecoder::PrepareToDecodeAudio]
What's the problem here?