I'd like to build a library of MP3's for my car. I'm limited to 32GB SD car.
I have a bunch of MP3's that are around 192K as my only copy mixed in with mostly FLACs.
When I build the new library I don't want it to decode and reencode the MP3's (so as to not degrade MP3's further), I want to just copy those and only reduce the FLACs.
Is there way to do this?
Windows 7 x86 running R14
I have a bunch of MP3's that are around 192K as my only copy mixed in with mostly FLACs.
When I build the new library I don't want it to decode and reencode the MP3's (so as to not degrade MP3's further), I want to just copy those and only reduce the FLACs.
Is there way to do this?
Windows 7 x86 running R14