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Music Converter files random track skips

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  • PayDay99

    • Feb 2011
    • 1

    Music Converter files random track skips

    I buy mp3s mainly from Amazon and also rip them from my CD collection, occasionally sprinkling in free artist downloads. I’ve never had a problem with my car audio system reading mp3s from a burned disc until recently. It mainly occurred with two of three songs downloaded from amazon from the same artist / album. It would play one of them but skip the other two. The car system sees the mp3 tracks in question, flashes 00, but just skips the tracks.

    There is another set of mp3s (free artist sample) that it skips the same way – sees the track, flashes 00 but skips the track instead of plays it.

    I used the Memorex disk cleaner with the little brushes, have reburned the cds with different branded disks and with different software (Roxio and itunes) to no avail. So I figure maybe it’s an encoding thing.

    The three tracks from Amazon are 44.1 kHz, 16 bit, 256kpbs. The other tracks have all kinds of different settings.

    So I figure why not try to normalize all the tracks and see if that helps. So I use batch Music Converter to make all the tracks 44.1 kHz, 16 bit, 128kpbs, constant bit rate.

    So here’s the weird thing. Now of the three songs from the same artist/album - the two songs that used to not play, they play. But the track that used to play, now doesn’t play. The free artist samples still don’t play. One clash song now plays. One zeppelin song that used to play, now doesn’t play. I can’t see any rhyme or reason.

    So am I missing any setting in Music Converter that might help? Or, is my car system just screwed?

    Thanks in advance…
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44833

    Re: Music Converter files random track skips

    It is possible the CD player does not like the encoding of those tracks, so as a test convert them to 192Kbps CBR (with the lame encoder), to see if that helps.


    • maecom

      • Feb 2011
      • 2

      Re: Music Converter files random track skips

      Is this specific to a CD player? I never have problems with that... maybe I'm just lucky.

