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AccuRip - different CD pressings

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  • Ben C

    • May 2003
    • 3

    AccuRip - different CD pressings

    I have about 5 of the CDs in the list, but they all give different offset values. I assume this is because I have different pressings to those from the list...

    Would it be possible to publish for each of the keys the unique number around the hole of the CD, so that you can see if yours is the right pressing?

    An example in the EAC list of Key Discs here:

    Seeing as how determining the offset depends on the accuracy of the key disc listings, and these in turn depend on another drive's offset, which depends on the listings, etc etc, how are you preventing one small error from comprimising the whole list? That would be pretty disastrous.

  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44825

    I have two CDs with the same number around the side, but with different offsets built into the disc (different pressings). I am confident that even though it is returning different offsets, as soon as two match up it will be the right one for your drive.

    >how are you preventing one small error from comprimising the
    >whole list? That would be pretty disastrous

    That is why two discs are required, if by some chance a drive configured with the wrong offset it is very unlikely your two discs would be both key disc that drive submitted.

    The second safe guard is the Drive offset database, as soon as two drives do not match I can investigate it and potentially pull all the data submitted by that individual - AccurateRip is that powerful!

    Upto now I am 99.99999% confident that every submission has come from a correct offset configured drive (there are a few EAC databases out there that I check submissions against).


    • Ben C

      • May 2003
      • 3

      That is why two discs are required, if by some chance a drive configured with the wrong offset it is very unlikely your two discs would be both key disc that drive submitted.
      I see what you mean, but I wouldn't be so sure ... people are likely to have a certain taste in music. For example, say I love the Beatles, and someone else has submitted 10 Beatles CDs to the list - all wrong - it is likely firstly that I have more than one Beatles CD, and secondly, they will be the first CDs I try.

      I want to use my CDRW (slave) to rip music and not my DVD (primary). How can I change that in dMC?



      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44825

        Try Audio CD Input >> Options you can select the drive on that page.


        • Ben C

          • May 2003
          • 3

          *embarassed* oops thx

