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Filename generation bug

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  • Unregistered

    Filename generation bug

    If the title of an MP3 has a colon in it, the generated filename is truncated immediately prior to the colon.

    For example, the band Servotron has a song called "1:00". When I burn it to disc, the output file is "Servotron - 1".

    The file itself seems to burn fine, but any program that depends on the filename extension is hosed.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44825

    Bug noted.


    • Unregistered

      Originally posted by Spoon
      Bug noted.
      Your response time is impressive. Thanks!

      Some additional data: I attempted to burn an album with a colon in the title. I ended up with a single truncated file--presumably because the truncated file name was the same for every song on the album.

      This leads me to ask if the file-name generator is guaranteed to come up with a distinct name for every file on a given disc. There are albums for which the default "[album] - [title]" is not going to work. (see Orthrelm's Asristir Vieldriox album for a really good pathological example--it consists of 99 untitled tracks.)


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44825

        It should have created unique filenames, that : must have put it off some what.


        • Unregistered

          Originally posted by Spoon
          It should have created unique filenames, that : must have put it off some what.
          It turns out that if the generated filename is longer than 64 characters, it just gets truncated without regard for uniqueness. Using the default names, attempting to burn the My People Were Fair & Had Sky In Their Hair... But Now They're Content to Wear Stars album would result in a disc containing a single file named "My People Were Fair & Had Sky In Their Hair... But Now They'.mp3".

          (Let me say that I really like the CD Writer, and I'm impressed by the way you handle support. I'm planning to register for it, but this file-name stuff really hurts the usability. I've currently set the filename template to "[track number] [unique id]", which is guaranteed to work, but isn't really satisfactory.)


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44825

            Thanks, I will fix it for the next release.

