I am not getting an error back when I am comverting some files. I have been able to reproduce this by renaming an image file to a .mp3 file and then uploading it.
Dim dc As New DMCSCRIPTINGLib.Converter
Dim compressionSettings As String
compressionSettings = "-b=32 -freq=22050 -channels=mono -a -noidtag -dspeffect1=""Volume Normalize= -mode=""rg"" -maxamp=""8"" -desiredb=""0"""
Dim errors As String = ""
dc.Convert(inputAudioFile, outputAudioFile, "mp3 (Lame)", compressionSettings, errors)
My errors string is empty when it finishes and writes a file 20 times the size of the original.
Dim dc As New DMCSCRIPTINGLib.Converter
Dim compressionSettings As String
compressionSettings = "-b=32 -freq=22050 -channels=mono -a -noidtag -dspeffect1=""Volume Normalize= -mode=""rg"" -maxamp=""8"" -desiredb=""0"""
Dim errors As String = ""
dc.Convert(inputAudioFile, outputAudioFile, "mp3 (Lame)", compressionSettings, errors)
My errors string is empty when it finishes and writes a file 20 times the size of the original.