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Visual layout problem

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    Visual layout problem

    Minor but.....

    I've got a laptop running XP with a 14.1" SXGA screen.

    When the "Progress Bar" alert box comes up, the "percentage completed", and the "time remaining" labels completely overlap over the top of the progress bar making it virtually unreadable.

    The identical thing happens with the "compression settings" alert box with the "bit rate bar", and the bit rate label.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44825

    You have Windows set to something called 'Large fonts', or a higher DPI, it is not currently compatible with that so for now you need to set it to normal.

    PS I will try to make it compatible for the next full release.


    • petterhans

      • Mar 2007
      • 2

      Re: Visual layout problem

      Hi. I would like to note that i have a similar layout problem.

      I'm using "Extra Large Fonts" and "Larger icons". In these days, working on 1600x1200 screens, icons and text usually gets too small for that resolution. Therefor i need to blow up everything to make it readable. I'm not sure if the problem is related to WinXP's GUI or the dMC application itself. I did now set the "Normal Fonts" settings and this is the result:

      Actually this reduces not only one font but many customzied fontss (the titlebar, icon-tekst etc etc. So i will try to find out which setting actually causes the problem (you probably know allready). Larger Font Sizes for these items did not cause problems: Menu, active/inactive Title Line, Message Box, Palette Title, Tool Tips, icon size, window frame size, Roller Field Size..

      When increasing Title Line Button Size, the problem illustrated in the first image appeared again. I dont see why the image-sizes to the images in the dropdown menu is relative to title line button sizes.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44825

        Re: Visual layout problem

        Have you tried just large fonts?


        • petterhans

          • Mar 2007
          • 2

          Re: Visual layout problem

          i checked that out now. Now when i try Large fonts and Extra Large Fonts, dMC looks nice. I also notice that "Title line button size" has been reduced to size 35 pixels. increasing that size makes dMC layout ugly again. Anyway i can live with size 35pixels.

          Last edited by petterhans; March 31, 2007, 02:01 PM.

