I've been trying to convert some wav files recorded with an iPod but receive the following error.
Error converting to mp3 (Lame), 'C:\temp\samplerecordingfromipod.wav' to 'C:\temp\samplerecordingfromipod.mp3'
Error Chunk is out of file. [clRIFFHandler::ScanFile]
I've uploaded the file to here.
Audacity can open and export this file to mp3.
I've been trying to convert some wav files recorded with an iPod but receive the following error.
Error converting to mp3 (Lame), 'C:\temp\samplerecordingfromipod.wav' to 'C:\temp\samplerecordingfromipod.mp3'
Error Chunk is out of file. [clRIFFHandler::ScanFile]
I've uploaded the file to here.
Audacity can open and export this file to mp3.