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Family Pack vs Single PC

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  • playboysmoov

    • Feb 2007
    • 22

    Family Pack vs Single PC

    How does the family pack and single pc license work?

    In the past I have done a fair of amount of windows re-installations since the dawn of windows vista, windows 7 beta, RC, and RTM, which had me reverting to dual boots and hard drive wipes/ partition deletions until drivers and systems were stable. Each time I would just reinstall DMC ref and keep it moving... Does each fresh installation count as a new PC or does the program sense motherboard configurations? Which license would benefit me considering my past computer setups?
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44825

    Re: Family Pack vs Single PC

    We rely on our users to be honest, as the install is not locked to a single PC.


    • just Jeff

      • Dec 2010
      • 7

      Re: Family Pack vs Single PC

      Good, because I want it on my office computer 4 miles away, and different ip address than home computers. I would be fine then with two home PCs and one at the office using the Family Pack right? Is not not used in a professional environment, I just want to convert music library while doing other things, as it can be a long process.

      I'm about to spring for it, not really too bad deal then.
      Last edited by just Jeff; December 15, 2010, 03:42 AM.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44825

        Re: Family Pack vs Single PC

        If it is not professional yes you are ok.


        • articiocca

          • Dec 2010
          • 2

          Re: Family Pack vs Single PC

          Hello Spoon.
          I've used dbPowerAmp since version 11 (it's the best converter ever! otherwise I wouldn't pay for it!) and I'm now upgrading from Reference 13 to 14.
          I'm the only user - no one else in my family or office; I just run it on 2 or 3 computer, depending on where I am: home, office, laptop. Never simultaneously. Non commercial - just convert my own cds and recordings to mp3.
          I'm a little confused.
          Should I buy a family licence for this? Has this anything to do with just the metadata / AMG subscription?

          In one thread, on december, 15th 2010, (this one)
          How does the family pack and single pc license work? In the past I have done a fair of amount of windows re-installations since the dawn of windows vista, windows 7 beta, RC, and RTM, which had me reverting to dual boots and hard drive wipes/ partition deletions until drivers and systems were stable. Each time I would just

          regarding installation on and non-simultaneous use on multiple computers, you state "If it is not professional yes you are ok."

          In another one, on november, 24th 2010
          I am in the evaluation process and am wondering if after paying for the program can I install it on another computer or is the license for just one computer. I am asking because I would like to load it on my laptop and my home computer.

          you say "there is a single computer license and a Family Pack which allows 5 computers."

          The question is not clear, maybe because of my understanding of the language. Can you please clarify?

          Thanks in advance for your kind reply.
          Paolo (from Italy)


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44825

            Re: Family Pack vs Single PC

            We are quite flexible, to clarify the situation we introduced the family pack, as you correctly state for metadata you need a license per pc (ie the family pack).


            • just Jeff

              • Dec 2010
              • 7

              Re: Family Pack vs Single PC

              Oh, I see. You could convert on more than one PC with single computer use version, but you would not be able to tag data that way.

              The Family Pack lets you tag from metadata on more than one. I bought the Family Pack, as I need a bit more flexibility. Everything is working fine so far.


              • articiocca

                • Dec 2010
                • 2

                Re: Family Pack vs Single PC

                Great. One line that clarifies it all.
                Thank you very much for your reply.


                • 3dHeli

                  • Feb 2009
                  • 11

                  Re: Family Pack vs Single PC

                  Forgive me, but I often feel answers are written as a riddle with two meanings.

                  Can we clarify my situation:- I have one desktop computer and one laptop computer. I wish to install cd ripper (music converter with meta data over internet connection) onto both computers. I only use software on one at a time, never concurrently.

                  My Adobe licenses, Microsoft Office, etc, allow me to do this - both legally and technically.

                  Does the dBpoweramp Reference R14 software for $38, allow me to do this ???

                  If it does not, please tell me how much the 'family pack' version is ???

                  Are the single or family pack liceses tied to a computer once installed, or can they be uninstalled/deactivated from one computer, and installed/activated on another ???


                  • Spoon
                    • Apr 2002
                    • 44825

                    Re: Family Pack vs Single PC

                    When using CD Ripper with metadata on more than one PC (even if not concurrently) then the Family pack is required, it costs $56

                    Licenses can be moved between PCs.

