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WMA License or library of dMC

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  • Daniel

    WMA License or library of dMC


    I'm a Pocket PC Developer. My friend worked a MP3 Player for Pocket PC, named WinamPAQ. (Visit to download.) He wants to add WMA support, but it's said it must be paid some fee for WMA library from Microsoft, so most of WMA players are shareware, not freeware.

    But we know dMC and dAP is freeware. so we want to know you use your own WMA library or from Microsoft.

    If the first case, we want to contact with you, or the second case, let us know how we can handle it, or buy it. Because until now, WinamPAQ is freeware, so we want to continue let it leave freeware if possible.

    Best Regards.

    Daniel, WinamPAQ support Team, TDPP.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44824

    WMA is 100% free from Microsoft, technically I don't have a license right now, I used to and that enabled dAP to play protected files, but it was such hard work getting the forms filled in...

    Anyhow visit:

    and download the SDK.

