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44KHz or 48KHz?? Flac to Mp3 -V 0

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  • cyphera9

    • Jul 2010
    • 8

    44KHz or 48KHz?? Flac to Mp3 -V 0

    Hi there.

    I'm converting alot of my FLAC music to MP3 VBR -V 0 to get the best sound quality I can for the lowest size for iPod use.

    I've been wondering which frequency should ideally be used. I noticed 48KHz was the highest and for some reason reasoned that it would be the best but i've noticed 44KHz tracks are higher filesizes.

    Which should I use to get the best possible sounding VBR MP3, should I stick to 'As Source'?

    Cheers guys :o
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44825

    Re: 44KHz or 48KHz?? Flac to Mp3 -V 0

    Normally you would convert as the same as the source, so if the FLACs came from CD they would be 44.1KHz and that should be used.


    • cyphera9

      • Jul 2010
      • 8

      Re: 44KHz or 48KHz?? Flac to Mp3 -V 0

      Yeah that makes sense, thanks alot

      As I have only just picked up on this now and have converted quite a few FLAC albums ripped from cd at 44KHz to MP3 at 48KHz, will this be a problem or a detrement to the MP3s I have as a result.

      Again thanks Spoon!!

