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Convert Flac to ALAC and MP3

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  • Highbitrate

    • Aug 2010
    • 2

    Convert Flac to ALAC and MP3

    Fairly new user here and am just getting familiar. I couldn't find this answer on your forum..sorry if it's a repeat.

    I'm ripping my source files to FLAC, then want to convert to both ALAC and MP3.

    My questions:
    1. How do I set this up? I can't find the 'mult-encode' option to allow me to convert FLAC to 2 different files types at the same time. (I have the Reference version, and a dual-core CPU). (I've looked through all the menus within Batch Converter and Regular, but can't seem to find it).

    2. Is Multi-Encode option only available in the Music Converter, or is this available in the Ripper too? (i.e. when I first rip the source CD, can I encode into 2 different formats?)

    Thank you,
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44840

    Re: Convert Flac to ALAC and MP3


    it is in CD Ripper and Music Converter.

