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problem converting to mp3

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  • fifer1943

    • Jun 2010
    • 9

    problem converting to mp3

    For a few years I have used dBPoweramp and DMC converter (11.5) on an XP machine and this has served my needs perfectly. I was able to convert flac files to mp3 using lame.exe (3.97) easily and quickly.
    I now have a new computer with Windows 7, and I installed the same programs (dBPoweramp r6 beta and DMC 11.5) on that computer, with the same codecs as on the XP computer. When I try to convert a flac file to mp3, the conversion takes about 2 seconds and a file of about 380 kB is produced, which cannot play. I have used the same version of lame.exe (3.97) with Exact Audio and it works, so the lame file is OK. I can convert the flac files to mp3 with Foobar using the same lame.exe, again confirming that the lame file is good. In DMC, I can convert to mp3 using the "built in" lame encoder, but I prefer to use the lame.exe method, which has always worked in the past.
    I did try uninstalling everything, then reinstalling, but it made no difference.
    This makes no sense to me since every program and codec is the same on both XP and 7.
    What am I missing????
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44840

    Re: problem converting to mp3

    R12 was the version (or R13) which became compatible with Vista (and Windows 7)


    • fifer1943

      • Jun 2010
      • 9

      Re: problem converting to mp3

      I tried uninstalling everything related to dBPoweramp, then installing version 12 of DMC. I am still unable to convert a flac file to mp3. I tried with the "built in" mp3 encoder and with the CLI encoder, but the results were the same - a 2 second conversion and a file with a few bytes. In fact, I could not get the "Convert to" on right click to work, and had to use the musicconverter.exe to try this. I used the 3.97 version of lame.exe and tried a command line of -v2, which worked well for me with my XP machine.
      I can do what I want with Foobar, but since I have used dBPoweramp for years, I would like to continue with it.
      Any suggestions???


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44840

        Re: problem converting to mp3

        Make sure there are no dsp effects running and try converting to wave as a test.


        • fifer1943

          • Jun 2010
          • 9

          Re: problem converting to mp3

          I am on vacation for a few days, so won't be able to test until the end of this week.


          • fifer1943

            • Jun 2010
            • 9

            Re: problem converting to mp3

            Now back home, so I can update you on my problem, which has taken a strange twist!
            First of all, I tried converting a flac file to wave; this took about 1 second, but a playable wave file was produced. The 18 MB flac produced a 30 MB wave.
            Now to the strange part. I have Windows 7 installed on my laptop, so decided to try that for converting. To my surprise, this worked. I was able to convert a flac file to mp3 using an external lame.exe. I then installed exactly the same dBpowerAmp programs and codecs on my desktop; no luck, I still can't convert flac to mp3 using an external encoder. The built-in encoder works, but it will not work with an external encoder (3.97).
            I don't know if it is helpful, but I can convert a flac file to a higher or lower compression flac. The only problem is using an external lame encoder, which works on my laptop. The "conversion" takes about 2 seconds and a 2 kB file is produced.
            Any suggestions will be appreciated.


            • Spoon
              • Apr 2002
              • 44840

              Re: problem converting to mp3

              Why not use the internal mp3 (Lame) codec? which uses Lame.exe


              • fifer1943

                • Jun 2010
                • 9

                Re: problem converting to mp3

                Does that mean choosing Convert to mp3 (lame.exe) and locating the encoder in dBpoweramp/Compression/mp3(lame.exe)? If so, that does not work either - it does exactly the same thing as locating an encoder at any other location.
                I can convert to mp3 using the built-in mp3(lame) encoder, which uses lame.dll, I believe. That is a 30 day trial, and obviously I would prefer to use the nontrial method.
                It seems that when musicconverter.exe calls on the lame.exe encoder (and I have tried several versions), no conversion takes place. Why does that happen?
                Why does the same combination of programs/codecs work on my laptop, but not on my desktop?
                As I said earlier, I have use dBpoweramp for many years, and it meets my fairly modest needs. I would really like to continue using it, but this problem is frustrating. No version of lame.exe seems to work on my desktop, but it does work on my laptop.
                Any other tests I can carry out to narrow down the issue?


                • fifer1943

                  • Jun 2010
                  • 9

                  Re: problem converting to mp3

                  Just a quick addendum.
                  The versions of lame.exe that I have tried work with EAC and foobar2000, so it would seem that the problem does not lie with the lame.exe files, but rather something in dBpoweramp music converter is not working correctly.


                  • Spoon
                    • Apr 2002
                    • 44840

                    Re: problem converting to mp3

                    If you have to locate the encoder then that means you are using CLI encoder, the built in Lame encoder does not need locating.

                    >mp3(lame) encoder, which uses lame.dll, I

                    It uses lame.exe, but mp3 (Lame).dll is our dll.


                    • fifer1943

                      • Jun 2010
                      • 9

                      Re: problem converting to mp3

                      Thanks for helping me try to solve this problem.
                      No I am not using the CLI encoder - it is not even installed. I installed the legacy dBpowerAMP-codec-mp3lameexe.exe, then chose the mp3 (lame.exe) option in the drop down menu. Just below that is a "Locate encoder" button, which I understand allows me to choose whatever version of lame.exe I wish to use. In the command line, I have -V2; this is a recognized setting at least for lame 3.97 as far as I know.
                      Is there anything wrong with what I have done?
                      If I uninstall the mp3lame.exe codec, then the option to convert using lame.exe no longer appears as a convert option, so obviously I have to have that codec installed if I want to convert using lame.exe.
                      What I described above is exactly what I have done on my laptop, using exactly the same programs, codecs, and flac files that I have used on my desktop. It works on my laptop, but not on my desktop. Should it matter where the flac files are located on my computer - in C:\My Music or C:\UserName\My Music?
                      If my settings are wrong, why do they work on the laptop?
                      If my settings are correct, why do they NOT work on the desktop?

                      I can convert from flac to ape, flac to wav, or ape to flac or ape to wav. The only thing I cannot do is convert from anything to mp3 using the lame.exe option. I may be totally off base here, but it would seem to have something to do with the ability to call on the lame.exe file - everything else works.
                      I understand that I am using your older programs, but they do meet my needs.
                      I would greatly appreciate it if you could address the questions I posed above in bold face. I do have work arounds (use my laptop or use foobar), but I would really like to continue using a program I like.
                      Thanks again for your patience.


                      • Spoon
                        • Apr 2002
                        • 44840

                        Re: problem converting to mp3

                        The legacy encoder would be for R11 of dBpoweramp Music Converter, not R13


                        • fifer1943

                          • Jun 2010
                          • 9

                          Re: problem converting to mp3

                          I am using DMC 11.5 - see my first post.
                          I tried version 12 with no success, so reverted to 11.5. All of my questions relate to 11.5.
                          What about my questions in my most recent post?


                          • Spoon
                            • Apr 2002
                            • 44840

                            Re: problem converting to mp3

                            Sorry I did not pick up on that.

                            We cannot offer support on R11.x as it is outside of the 5 year support window (programs get so old they cannot be supported).


                            • fifer1943

                              • Jun 2010
                              • 9

                              Re: problem converting to mp3

                              OK thanks, I understand that.

                              Is there anyone else out there who can perhaps shed light on my problem?
                              On my desktop computer, I cannot convert from anything to mp3 using the lame.exe option, with DMC 11.5. It works on my laptop, and both machines run Windows 7.

                              Thanks again, Spoon. I don't expect you to reply to this - I am looking for help from other users.

