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Qtaacenc.exe -- Can dBpoweramp use it?

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  • zipzip

    • May 2010
    • 14

    Qtaacenc.exe -- Can dBpoweramp use it?

    I did a search and didn't see much about this.

    There's a fairly new command-line encoder, qtaacenc.exe, that uses Quicktime's AAC encoder (without having to upgrade to Quicktime Pro). It can convert files in Quicktime's True VBR mode, and also VBR Constrained, the latter of which Nero can't do. It works great in Foobar, but is there a way for us to add the new encoder to dBpoweramp? I don't see any command line option, or even any option to select an encoder that's not in the pre-set drop-down list.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44700

    Re: Qtaacenc.exe -- Can dBpoweramp use it?

    Install the CLI Encoder (from codec central).


    • zipzip

      • May 2010
      • 14

      Re: Qtaacenc.exe -- Can dBpoweramp use it?

      Thanks, Spoon. But I'm getting stuck on, "[There] is a file called encoder.txt, edit this file to change the extension of the encoder, in this example .m4a"

      What does that mean? Do I change the ".ext" inside the text file to say ".m4a"? It won't allow me to do that.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44700

        Re: Qtaacenc.exe -- Can dBpoweramp use it?

        Yes you would, if on Windows 7 you would need administrator rights to change that.


        • zipzip

          • May 2010
          • 14

          Re: Qtaacenc.exe -- Can dBpoweramp use it?

          Originally posted by Spoon
          Yes you would, if on Windows 7 you would need administrator rights to change that.
          Thanks. Got it working, but had to come up with a workaround. For some reason, I can't create or access an administrator account in Vista. My regular user account has administrative privileges, so I don't know why it was giving me a problem with renaming the extension.

          What I had to do was save the change to another folder, then delete the original encoder.txt file and drag and drop the new one into the CLI Encoder folder.

          So I've got it up and running, and dBpoweramp can now do virtually everything I need it to do! :komisch9: My big problem with Foobar was it doesn't copy artwork. I rip all my CDs to Apple Lossless, and want to be able to just convert them to any format with ease, including the tags and artwork. I can finally do that with dBpoweramp.

          And you're a very nice guy, Spoon. Some of the Hydrogen Audio crowd can be a nasty bunch (especially to novices), so it's refreshing to encounter someone like you online.


          • LtData
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • May 2004
            • 8288

            Re: Qtaacenc.exe -- Can dBpoweramp use it?

            You have to run notepad as an Administrator to edit and then save the file in place.


            • zipzip

              • May 2010
              • 14

              Re: Qtaacenc.exe -- Can dBpoweramp use it?

              Originally posted by LtData
              You have to run notepad as an Administrator to edit and then save the file in place.
              Hmm. Good to know for future reference. Thanks.


              • EliC
                dBpoweramp Guru

                • May 2004
                • 1175

                Re: Qtaacenc.exe -- Can dBpoweramp use it?

                Having trouble with qtaacenc myself:

                Splitting Command Line:Done
                ->->  [dBCoreConverter::ReaddBCommandFile]
                <-<-  [dBCoreConverter::ReaddBCommandFile]
                ->->  [cldBCodecHandler::FindDecoder]
                    Checking Decoder 'C:\Program Files\CD DVD\dBpoweramp\decoder\FLAC.dll' for extension '.flac'
                Decodes  [clDecoder::Get]
                  <<< Match, using decoder
                  Using Registry Cached Decoder: C:\Program Files\CD DVD\dBpoweramp\decoder\FLAC.dll
                <-<-  [cldBCodecHandler::FindDecoder]
                BatchID  [clDecoder::Set]
                ->->  [cldBCodecHandler::LoadEncoder]
                  Loading Encoder 'C:\Program Files\CD DVD\dBpoweramp\encoder\CLI Encoder.DLL'
                <-<-  [cldBCodecHandler::LoadEncoder]
                BatchID  [clEncoder::Set]
                ->->  [dBCoreConverter::StripCoreConverterCmds]
                <-<-  [dBCoreConverter::StripCoreConverterCmds]
                SendRawUnCompressed  [clEncoder::Get]
                IsLive  [clDSP::Get]
                SendOverReplayGainTags  [clDSP::Get]
                BatchID  [clDSP::Set]
                IsLive  [clDSP::Get]
                SendOverReplayGainTags  [clDSP::Get]
                BatchID  [clDSP::Set]
                Communicate  [clDecoder::Get]
                Communicate  [clEncoder::Get]
                NeedHQAudio  [clEncoder::Get]
                Decode As  [clDecoder::Set]
                ->->  [clDecoder::Open]
                  Opening file 'C:\FLAC2AAC\01 - Down.flac' for read access: Opened
                  Init FLAC: 
                  Reading Meta Data: 
                   contained 26 tags:
                			replaygain_album_gain: -7.09 dB
                			replaygain_album_peak: 0.989502
                			AccurateRipResult: AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 52)   [B1410F2D]
                			AccurateRipDiscID: 014-0014ef6c-00dd90f7-c4095b0e-1
                			Title: Down
                			Album: 311
                			Genre: Rock
                			Year: 1995
                			Composer: Nicholas Hexum
                S.A. Martinez
                			Label: Capricorn
                			Style: Rap-Rock
                Alternative Pop/Rock
                Funk Metal
                			Artist: 311
                			BatchDiscNumber: 6
                			Rating: 9
                			Source: CD (Lossless)
                			Length: 173173
                			_cdtoc: DATA Length: 124   .z......... ......2.
                			CDDB Disc ID: C4095B0E
                			Encoded By: dBpoweramp Release 13
                			Encoder: FLAC 1.2.1
                			Encoder Settings: -compression-level-6 -verify
                			replaygain_track_gain: -6.54 dB
                			replaygain_track_peak: 0.933258
                			Track: 1/14
                			Disc: 1/1
                			album artist: 311
                  Contains picture block, size (bytes): 790561 type: 3
                  ->->  [clDecoder::ReadIDTags]
                  <-<-  [clDecoder::ReadIDTags]
                  ->->  [clDecoder::FillAudioProps]
                	Encoder: FLAC reference libFLAC 1.2.1 20070917
                	Sample Count: 7,636,944
                	ID Tag: Vorbis Comments
                	Contains: Album Art, CD TOC, CRC, ReplayGain, ID Tag [Vorbis Comments]
                  <-<-  [clDecoder::FillAudioProps]
                  ->->  [clDecoder::FillAudioInfo]
                    Uncompressed WFX (sent to db): Format Tag: 1  Channels: 2  Bits per Sample: 16  Samples Per Second: 44100  Bytes Per Second: 176400  Block Align: 4  CB Size: 0
                    Audio Length: 173173 mili-seconds  22560744 bytes  1411 kbps
                  <-<-  [clDecoder::FillAudioInfo]
                  Creating Decode Buffers: Created
                <-<-  [clDecoder::Open]
                SendOverReplayGainTags  [clEncoder::Get]
                ->->  [clDSP::BeginConversion]
                <-<-  [clDSP::BeginConversion]
                ->->  [clDSP::BeginConversion]
                <-<-  [clDSP::BeginConversion]
                ->->  [clEncoder::BeginConversion]
                  Converting to 'C:\FLAC2AAC\01 - Down.mp4' encoder settings ' -cli_encoder="C:\Program Files\CD DVD\qtaacenc\qtaacenc.exe" -cli_cmd="--tvbr 58 --highest --samplerate keep - [outfile]" -hi_quality'
                  Using Encoder 'C:\Program Files\CD DVD\qtaacenc\qtaacenc.exe'
                  Command Line '--tvbr 58 --highest --samplerate keep - C:\FLAC2AAC\01-DOW~1.MP4'
                  Input Wave Format:Format Tag: 1  Channels: 2  Bits per Sample: 16  Samples Per Second: 44100  Bytes Per Second: 176400  Block Align: 4  CB Size: 0
                  Output Wave Format:Format Tag: 1  Channels: 2  Bits per Sample: 16  Samples Per Second: 44100  Bytes Per Second: 176400  Block Align: 4  CB Size: 0
                  Passing Wave Header: Yes
                  Using StdInput Pipe: Yes
                  dBpoweramp Writing Tags: Yes
                <-<-  [clEncoder::BeginConversion]
                Communicate  [clDecoder::Get]
                Communicate  [clEncoder::Get]
                Encoding To: CLI Encoder
                Encoder Cmd Line:  -cli_encoder="C:\Program Files\CD DVD\qtaacenc\qtaacenc.exe" -cli_cmd="--tvbr 58 --highest --samplerate keep - [outfile]" -hi_quality
                DSP Effects:
                    ReplayGain (Apply):  -mode="0" -activedb="0" -nonactivedb="0"
                    ID Tag Processing: -case="0" -exportart="(none)" -importart="(none)" -maxart="100kb" -arttojpg
                ============= CONVERSION BEGIN =============
                ============= CONVERSION END =============
                Communicate  [clDecoder::Get]
                Communicate  [clEncoder::Get]
                ->->  [dBCoreConverter::CloseDecoder]
                ->->  [clDecoder::Close]
                <-<-  [clDecoder::Close]
                ->->  [clDSP::EndConversion]
                <-<-  [clDSP::EndConversion]
                ->->  [clDSP::EndConversion]
                <-<-  [clDSP::EndConversion]
                ->->  [clEncoder::EndConversion]
                  Running program after conversion 'C:\Program Files\CD DVD\dBpoweramp\encoder\CLI Encoder\' Command Line: 
                  Program completed
                <-<-  [clEncoder::EndConversion]
                  ->->  [dBCoreConverter::IDTagWriter]
                    ->->  [cldBCodecHandler::FindDecoder]
                        Checking Decoder 'C:\Program Files\CD DVD\dBpoweramp\decoder\m4a.dll' for extension '.mp4'
                Decodes  [clDecoder::Get]
                Decodes  [clDecoder::Get]
                      <<< Match, using decoder
                      Using Registry Cached Decoder: C:\Program Files\CD DVD\dBpoweramp\decoder\m4a.dll
                    <-<-  [cldBCodecHandler::FindDecoder]
                IDTags  [clDecoder::Set]
                  IDTags  [clDecoder::Set]
                    IDTags  [clDecoder::Set]
                      IDTags  [clDecoder::Set]
                        IDTags  [clDecoder::Set]
                          ->->  [clDecoder::Close]
                          <-<-  [clDecoder::Close]
                Communicate  [clDecoder::Get]
                Communicate  [clEncoder::Get]
                ->->  [clDSP::AfterConversion]
                <-<-  [clDSP::AfterConversion]
                ->->  [clDSP::AfterConversion]
                <-<-  [clDSP::AfterConversion]
                    Conversion completed in 7.5 seconds x22 realtime encoding
                ->->  [clDecoder::Close]
                <-<-  [clDecoder::Close]
                I have tried a number of variation on the command line. Currently trying:

                --tvbr 58 --highest --samplerate keep - [outfile]

                Whatever I do, output is always a 0kb file.


                • EliC
                  dBpoweramp Guru

                  • May 2004
                  • 1175

                  Re: Qtaacenc.exe -- Can dBpoweramp use it?

                  Found another post here, so I tried this

                  --tvbr 58 --highest --samplerate keep [infile] [outfile]

                  I can see the temp file, but after the finished msg, the output file is still 0kb.


                  • EliC
                    dBpoweramp Guru

                    • May 2004
                    • 1175

                    Re: Qtaacenc.exe -- Can dBpoweramp use it?

                    Ok, so this was a problem with qtaacenc. Now fixed.

                    The compression is now working.

                    However, the final file name is the "short name" (ie 1 - Dow~1.mp4) and there are no tags.

                    db write tags is checked.


                    • EliC
                      dBpoweramp Guru

                      • May 2004
                      • 1175

                      Re: Qtaacenc.exe -- Can dBpoweramp use it?

                      Splitting Command Line:Done
                      ->->  [dBCoreConverter::ReaddBCommandFile]
                      <-<-  [dBCoreConverter::ReaddBCommandFile]
                      ->->  [cldBCodecHandler::FindDecoder]
                          Checking Decoder 'C:\Program Files\CD DVD\dBpoweramp\decoder\FLAC.dll' for extension '.flac'
                      Decodes  [clDecoder::Get]
                        <<< Match, using decoder
                        Using Registry Cached Decoder: C:\Program Files\CD DVD\dBpoweramp\decoder\FLAC.dll
                      <-<-  [cldBCodecHandler::FindDecoder]
                      BatchID  [clDecoder::Set]
                      ->->  [cldBCodecHandler::LoadEncoder]
                        Loading Encoder 'C:\Program Files\CD DVD\dBpoweramp\encoder\CLI Encoder.DLL'
                      <-<-  [cldBCodecHandler::LoadEncoder]
                      BatchID  [clEncoder::Set]
                      ->->  [dBCoreConverter::StripCoreConverterCmds]
                      <-<-  [dBCoreConverter::StripCoreConverterCmds]
                      SendRawUnCompressed  [clEncoder::Get]
                      IsLive  [clDSP::Get]
                      SendOverReplayGainTags  [clDSP::Get]
                      BatchID  [clDSP::Set]
                      IsLive  [clDSP::Get]
                      SendOverReplayGainTags  [clDSP::Get]
                      BatchID  [clDSP::Set]
                      IsLive  [clDSP::Get]
                      SendOverReplayGainTags  [clDSP::Get]
                      BatchID  [clDSP::Set]
                      Communicate  [clDecoder::Get]
                      Communicate  [clEncoder::Get]
                      NeedHQAudio  [clEncoder::Get]
                      Decode As  [clDecoder::Set]
                      ->->  [clDecoder::Open]
                        Opening file 'C:\FLAC2AAC\01 - Down.flac' for read access: Opened
                        Init FLAC: 
                        Reading Meta Data: 
                         contained 26 tags:
                      			replaygain_album_gain: -7.09 dB
                      			replaygain_album_peak: 0.989502
                      			AccurateRipResult: AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 52)   [B1410F2D]
                      			AccurateRipDiscID: 014-0014ef6c-00dd90f7-c4095b0e-1
                      			Title: Down
                      			Album: 311
                      			Genre: Rock
                      			Year: 1995
                      			Composer: Nicholas Hexum
                      S.A. Martinez
                      			Label: Capricorn
                      			Style: Rap-Rock
                      Alternative Pop/Rock
                      Funk Metal
                      			Artist: 311
                      			BatchDiscNumber: 6
                      			Rating: 9
                      			Source: CD (Lossless)
                      			Length: 173173
                      			_cdtoc: DATA Length: 124   .z......... ......2.
                      			CDDB Disc ID: C4095B0E
                      			Encoded By: dBpoweramp Release 13
                      			Encoder: FLAC 1.2.1
                      			Encoder Settings: -compression-level-6 -verify
                      			replaygain_track_gain: -6.54 dB
                      			replaygain_track_peak: 0.933258
                      			Track: 1/14
                      			Disc: 1/1
                      			album artist: 311
                        Contains picture block, size (bytes): 790561 type: 3
                        ->->  [clDecoder::ReadIDTags]
                        <-<-  [clDecoder::ReadIDTags]
                        ->->  [clDecoder::FillAudioProps]
                      	Encoder: FLAC reference libFLAC 1.2.1 20070917
                      	Sample Count: 7,636,944
                      	ID Tag: Vorbis Comments
                      	Contains: Album Art, CD TOC, CRC, ReplayGain, ID Tag [Vorbis Comments]
                        <-<-  [clDecoder::FillAudioProps]
                        ->->  [clDecoder::FillAudioInfo]
                          Uncompressed WFX (sent to db): Format Tag: 1  Channels: 2  Bits per Sample: 16  Samples Per Second: 44100  Bytes Per Second: 176400  Block Align: 4  CB Size: 0
                          Audio Length: 173173 mili-seconds  22560744 bytes  1411 kbps
                        <-<-  [clDecoder::FillAudioInfo]
                        Creating Decode Buffers: Created
                      <-<-  [clDecoder::Open]
                      SendOverReplayGainTags  [clEncoder::Get]
                      ->->  [clDSP::BeginConversion]
                      <-<-  [clDSP::BeginConversion]
                      ->->  [clDSP::BeginConversion]
                      <-<-  [clDSP::BeginConversion]
                      ->->  [clDSP::BeginConversion]
                      <-<-  [clDSP::BeginConversion]
                      ->->  [clEncoder::BeginConversion]
                        Converting to 'C:\FLAC2AAC\01 - Down.m4a' encoder settings ' -cli_encoder="C:\Program Files\CD DVD\qtaacenc\qtaacenc.exe" -cli_cmd="--tvbr 60 --highest --samplerate keep [infile]  [outfile]" -hi_quality'
                        Using Encoder 'C:\Program Files\CD DVD\qtaacenc\qtaacenc.exe'
                        Command Line '--tvbr 60 --highest --samplerate keep C:\FLAC2AAC\01-DOW~1.WAV  C:\FLAC2AAC\01-DOW~1.M4A'
                        Input Wave Format:Format Tag: 1  Channels: 2  Bits per Sample: 16  Samples Per Second: 44100  Bytes Per Second: 176400  Block Align: 4  CB Size: 0
                        Output Wave Format:Format Tag: 1  Channels: 2  Bits per Sample: 16  Samples Per Second: 44100  Bytes Per Second: 176400  Block Align: 4  CB Size: 0
                        Passing Wave Header: Yes
                        Using StdInput Pipe: No
                        dBpoweramp Writing Tags: Yes
                      <-<-  [clEncoder::BeginConversion]
                      Communicate  [clDecoder::Get]
                      Communicate  [clEncoder::Get]
                      Encoding To: CLI Encoder
                      Encoder Cmd Line:  -cli_encoder="C:\Program Files\CD DVD\qtaacenc\qtaacenc.exe" -cli_cmd="--tvbr 60 --highest --samplerate keep [infile]  [outfile]" -hi_quality
                      DSP Effects:
                          ReplayGain (Apply):  -mode="0" -activedb="0" -nonactivedb="0"
                          ID Tag Processing: -case="0" -exportart="(none)" -importart="(none)" -maxart="100kb" -arttojpg
                          Folder.jpg Preserve:  -ext=""
                      ============= CONVERSION BEGIN =============
                      ============= CONVERSION END =============
                      Communicate  [clDecoder::Get]
                      Communicate  [clEncoder::Get]
                      ->->  [dBCoreConverter::CloseDecoder]
                      ->->  [clDecoder::Close]
                      <-<-  [clDecoder::Close]
                      ->->  [clDSP::EndConversion]
                      <-<-  [clDSP::EndConversion]
                      ->->  [clDSP::EndConversion]
                      <-<-  [clDSP::EndConversion]
                      ->->  [clDSP::EndConversion]
                      <-<-  [clDSP::EndConversion]
                      ->->  [clEncoder::EndConversion]
                        Running program after conversion 'C:\Program Files\CD DVD\dBpoweramp\encoder\CLI Encoder\' Command Line: 
                        Program completed
                      <-<-  [clEncoder::EndConversion]
                        ->->  [dBCoreConverter::IDTagWriter]
                          ->->  [cldBCodecHandler::FindDecoder]
                              Checking Decoder 'C:\Program Files\CD DVD\dBpoweramp\decoder\m4a.dll' for extension '.m4a'
                      Decodes  [clDecoder::Get]
                            <<< Match, using decoder
                            Using Registry Cached Decoder: C:\Program Files\CD DVD\dBpoweramp\decoder\m4a.dll
                          <-<-  [cldBCodecHandler::FindDecoder]
                      IDTags  [clDecoder::Set]
                        IDTags  [clDecoder::Set]
                          IDTags  [clDecoder::Set]
                            IDTags  [clDecoder::Set]
                              IDTags  [clDecoder::Set]
                                ->->  [clDecoder::Close]
                                <-<-  [clDecoder::Close]
                      Communicate  [clDecoder::Get]
                      Communicate  [clEncoder::Get]
                      ->->  [clDSP::AfterConversion]
                      <-<-  [clDSP::AfterConversion]
                      ->->  [clDSP::AfterConversion]
                      <-<-  [clDSP::AfterConversion]
                      ->->  [clDSP::AfterConversion]
                      <-<-  [clDSP::AfterConversion]
                          Conversion completed in 15.4 seconds x11 realtime encoding
                      ->->  [clDecoder::Close]
                      <-<-  [clDecoder::Close]


                      • EliC
                        dBpoweramp Guru

                        • May 2004
                        • 1175

                        Re: Qtaacenc.exe -- Can dBpoweramp use it?

                        I have the nero encoder/decoder installed, so dbpoweramp should be able to write tags, but there are no tags in the output file

                        also, if I change [outfile] to [outfile_long] it doesn't work. I don't get why the final output is the dos short form. I get why a temp file might be, but not the final file

                        The encoder creates 2 files during the encode process:

                        1 - Down.m4a.tmp.wav <- this ends up being the full size of the uncompressed wave and is deleted at the end

                        1 - Down.m4a 0 kb <- this is there until the end of the encode and then replaced by 1 - Dow~1.m4a. I would expect the process to be the reverse. The temp file should be the 1 - Dow~1.m4a and the be replaced by 1 - Down.m4a

                        I have tried using both .m4a and .mp4 as file extensions. No difference.



                        • Spoon
                          • Apr 2002
                          • 44700

                          Re: Qtaacenc.exe -- Can dBpoweramp use it?

                          dBpoweramp would always write the ID tags, it can only write to the long filename (the real file). The short filename should work as it is a representation of the long filename, but if the qtencode is doing something specific to filenames that might be causing it not to work.

